Give Gundam Some Happy Asks And Dares!

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Gundam! I have great news!

I'm allowed to leave this place now!?

No, I'm finally out of school for the summer!

...How is that good news?

I get to write more chapters of all my books and take more asks and dares from the viewers!

You misunderstand, mortal. How is this turn of events good for me?

Well, the more asks and dares, the more possible fun asks and dares you can get! Just imagine!

I cannot imagine a scenario where any of the viewers shall give me an ask that I may enjoy.

Well, guys, you heard him! Help me prove him wrong and give Gundam a few happy asks and dares to celebrate summer break! They can be about anything! Danganronpa stuff, his opinions, movies, anime, video games, anything!

I'd prefer to not answer questions at all, but if I must.

Of course you do.

Is that all you wished to say?

Yes. This book is meant to have short and sweet chapters. Anyway! Do the sign off, Gundam!

Don't forget to ask or dare! This is Gundam Tanaka, signing out. Peace!

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