Gundam Meets Haiji Towa

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I just want to get this over with. There's a certain character's birthday today that I want to do, and I have to get through Teruteru's late birthday and this first.

 There's a certain character's birthday today that I want to do, and I have to get through Teruteru's late birthday and this first

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Hey, what did I ever do to you!?

I don't like you. Your character sucks. Being a lolicon is pretty much the only unique thing about you. You follow so many stereotypes. "We're just waiting for the right moment to attack!" Usually people have good reasons for it, but your reason is that you can't ask someone else to drive your motorcycle to your giant bear! "Kill all the children!" Seriously!? Even with the controller right there, you still insist on killing all the kids instead of trying to help them!? Dude, grow a spine, a heart, and a conscious! The best thing about your character is your jacket! Actually, it reminds me of Carver's jacket from The Walking Dead game. But seriously, you just bother me, dude. Gundam, wrap up the chapter on your own. I'm sitting this one out.

 I'm sitting this one out

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That... was quite the speech. You must've messed up seriously to cause that much spite out of the mortal author.

 You must've messed up seriously to cause that much spite out of the mortal author

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I didn't do jack shit, scarf boy!

I didn't do jack shit, scarf boy!

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