Chapter 10

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*Elizabeth's POV*

It was Saturday already, and I had to get ready for my new job. Of course, before I got ready, I had to check my Instagram and Snapchat.

Going through my feed, I saw many many posts about how "cute" or how "daddy" Jacob Sartorious was. (This legit happened to me, not even lying)

Disgusted, I moved on to Snapchat, seeing how fun everyone's Friday night was compared to mine. I sat inside, spending endless hours on YouTube.

My phone suddenly started vibrating in my hand, Calum's name popping up on my phone. Answering the call, I also started getting into my uniform.

"Wassup bitch?" I practically sang into the phone.

"Shut up, I have some important news to tell you. But, you might not like a tiny part of it." He rushed into the phone.

"Well what is it?" Concern started flowing through me.

"Ok ok. So Ashton and I decided to form a band."

"Ok? What's the bad part?" I asked confused.

"Well, Luke wants to be in it, too. And he's a really, really good guitar player."

"Oh. Well I'm happy for you guys! I wanna see you take over the world, ok?" My voice couldn't express how happy I was for them.

"Thanks! We're gonna be putting up YouTube videos here soon of different covers." He sounded relieved.

"I'll make sure to check them out." I smiled at nothing in particular.

"Yay! Aight bitch, I gotta go, ttyl."

"Did you seriously just say 'ttyl'?" I asked giggling.

"Yep." He said popping the 'p'. "Deal with it." And with that he hung up the phone.

What an idiot, I thought. I finished getting ready and headed out after grabbing a granola bar for breakfast.

The bell jingled as I entered the ice cream shop.

Michael was mopping the floor, Mr. Delaney was wiping the tables.

"Am I late?" I asked, checking my phone to see that it was 9:45.

"No, Michael came in early today." Mr. Delaney smiled at me. "Would you mind cleaning the counter?" He pulled out a rag from his apron, handing it to me.

"Not at all." I say as I head over towards the counters.

*Calum's POV*

Ashton and I were currently practicing a cover for our newest video while waiting for Luke.

Luke bursts into the room, causing Ashton to shriek like a little girl. We both look at Ashton confused, before I start laughing hysterically. Ashton covered his face from embarrassment. Luke starts talking once I calmed down.

"I think we should sing some songs that we created. Instead of doing covers, ya know?" He looked down, and that's when I noticed that he had papers in his hand.

I reached over and took them, looking over the lyrics.

" 'She looks so perfect' ? Really dude?" I look up at him with my eyebrows furrowed.

"I know, I know. But we need another guitarist." He whined.

"To be fair, I have been writing songs, too." Ashton spoke up.

"Do you have them with you?" I asked, leaning back on my hands.

"Yeah, here." He handed them to me.

" 'Vapor' ?"


I sighed, putting the sheets down and rubbing my face.

"We'll do the cover first, and then we'll discuss the other songs, ok?" I suggested.

"Ok." They said at the same time.

After we finished our cover (which took two hours because we kept messing around), we edited it and posted it onto YouTube.

While that was uploading, we went out to Ashton's garage to go practice on the drums and guitars.

*Michael's POV*

It was 3:00 already, time for my shift to end. I finished cleaning up the tables and hung my apron up in the back.

"Bye Elizabeth, bye Mr. And Mrs. Delaney!"  I shouted, walking out the door.

As I was walking through my neighborhood, I heard drums and guitars playing in the distance. I got closer and closer, to see that they were playing in Ashton's garage.

Wait, what?

Ashton's in a band?

I walked faster towards the house and as I was walking past I looked into the garage and saw.. Calum and Luke?

I practically skipped up the driveway towards them.

"Guys." Calum said, nodding his head at me.

"Calum. Ashton. Luke." I looked at them all, my eyes lingering on Luke before going back to Calum. "So. I didn't know you guys were a band."

"What about it?" He questioned, squinting his eyes at me.

"Well, I wanna-"

"You're not joining." Luke snapped at me. I put my hands up in surrender.

"Ok, ok. I'm just saying, you might need another guitarist." I turned around smirking, walking down the driveway.

"How good are you?" Ashton shouted down the driveway. I stopped walking.

"Let's just say that I've won quite a few talent shows and I've played a few gigs with other bands as the lead guitarist." I said while turning towards them.

(I have no idea if lead guitarist is even a thing, I just needed something other than talent shows lmao)

"Do you have your own guitar?" Ashton asked.

"Well I have to if I was in a band, Ashton." I chuckled. He groaned.

"Go to your house, get the guitar, and bring it back here. We'll listen to you play and see if we'll let you join." He shooed me away with his hand.

I ran home as fast as I could without passing out.

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