Chapter 11

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This chapter is a little bit intense. Read at your own risk :)

Song: Broken Home by 5SOS

*Elizabeth's POV*

I pulled into the driveway just in time to see a young looking man run out the house, tripping while pulling his pants on. Shocked, I got out of the car and jogged to the back door.

I heard my mom scream from inside, and that's when I bust through the door.

I took in the scene around me. Broken vases, a picture frame smashed with the picture ripped apart. I realized it was the picture from my parents wedding day.

"YOU BLOODY WHORE!" I heard my dad yell from the dining room. Something hit the wall in the dining room.

I ran in there to see my father's fists raised at my mom.

Running to go call the cops, I heard my mom screaming as she was getting hit. Guilt rushed through my body as I heard the lady on the other end.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Please help, my dad is beating my mom." I whispered frantically as I hid in the closet. (like Larry oops [hi] what I didn't say anything)

"Ok ma'am, I need your address and we'll be right over." I heard my mom stop screaming, my heart was pounding in my chest.

"*address*. Please hurry." I was about to start sobbing.

"We'll get there as fast as we can." Was the last thing she said before hanging up.

"Elizaaabeth." My dad chanted as he walked around the house. He was opening up doors and moving furniture around. "I know you're here. C'mon out, darling. I won't hurt you." His footsteps got nearer. "Mommy deserved what I did to her."

His feet stopped right in front of the closet door. I saw through the crack that he was reaching for the door handle.

The handle turned slowly, opening a crack. It stopped when policemen burst into the hallway, shouting at my father to get down on the ground. I heard the sirens outside, wondering how I never heard them before. A young police officer opened the door, her hair tucked neatly into a police cap.

Holding out a hand, she helped me up, leading me outside. As I looked behind us in the hallway, I saw my father glaring at me. I could see the angry fire in his eyes, and my blood ran cold with fear. (credit to sarcasticxpanda for that last sentence ily)

Once outside I was seated on the edge of the ambulance. I looked over at the other one to see them lifting a stretcher into it.

*Ashton's POV*

I was driving as fast as I could to the hospital, trying to avoid any and everybody. Elizabeth was there, and I needed to be there to help her.

Calum, Luke, and Michael tagged along with me. Luke was looking out the window, his leg bouncing nervously. Calum chewing his fingernails as he looked out the window in the passenger seat. Michael was staring at his hands.

I pulled up to the hospital, parking and running to the doors. I saw Elizabeth look up from the waiting room. She got up and ran toward us.

I held my arms out for her, but her hands pushed me out of the way. Confusion and sadness washed over me as I looked to see who she was running to.

*Luke's POV*

I was stunned when she ran into my arms, tightly hugging her legs as her frail and tired body wrapped around mine. I nuzzled my face into her hair as she shook with sobs.

"It'll be ok. I promise." I whispered into her ear.

"I l-love you, L-Luke. I never st-stopped." Even though I could barely hear the squeaky whisper coming from her mouth, my heart still leaped with joy.

"I love you too, baby." I said, kissing above her ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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