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lexi: hellloooo?

lexi: ive been texting you guys for two days!

lexi: am i bothering you?

lexi: im sorry..

lexi: i just needed someone to talk with

lexi: i know your the most famous boy band and you guys are all busy

lexi: well. bad news

lexi: im not going to text you guys anymore for a month

lexi: hellooo?

lexi: you still thereee?

lexi: :'(

lexi: i guess, this is a goodbye then.

if you are wondering why isnt there a "message seen at time" because the boys were doing their rehearsal.

their management made their phone silent and everybody is busy af.

im sorry lexi :(.

text messages // niall centricTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang