1- Home Alone

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You let out a sigh, your parents have left you at home while they go on out to dinner and a movie. It has been a few hours since they left and you are really bored. You roll of your bed where you have been watching YouTube videos for the past hour and walk downstairs to find some sort of movie to watch to pass the time.
Finding your favourite movie you insert it and walk to to the kitchen to prepare some microwave popcorn while the movie loads. Before you put the popcorn in you realise that you have forgotten to lock the doors for the night, you consider just leaving them unlocked as you live in a pretty safe neighbourhood but remember all the warnings your mother gave you as a child so go and lock hem anyway.

You walk back to the microwave and cook the popcorn. When it is done you return to the lounge room and press play on the movie.
Around ten minutes into the movie you pause it to get a drink, as you are walking to the kitchen you hear faint footsteps in the next room, passing it off as a trick of your overactive mind you continue on to the kitchen and fill your drink. Checking the time you notice that it is nine twenty, your parents won't be around for a good few hours yet. As you start to return to the lounge room you hear the footsteps again, this time you are sure you are not hearing things.
You feel as though you are faced with three choices, ignore the noises (after all you might just be imagining things), sneak out the back door or hide.

•Continue Watching- go to 2
•Sneak out the back door- go to 3
•Hide- go to 4

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