18- Attack the driver

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A seed of fear burrows into your mind. What is he is your attacker? What if he is taking you back to his house? What if he kills you!

You look at the driver and decide that getting in his car was the worst possible decision you could have made! This man could be very dangerous for all you know!
With a bust of courage you decide that it has to be you who saves you and to do that you must be in control of the car. You have to attack the driver.

With a bust of  courage you lunge at the driver punching him in the face. He tries to shake you off yelling for you to stop as you grab the wheel.
You both are pulling, trying to take control of the vehicle when suddenly you jerk forward, your head smashing through the passengers window as the force pulls you back into your seat.
As you both lie there bleeding profusely you realize that tour worst mistake was not getting in the car with this man, it was not trusting him.

You wish the car had travelled further as you see a masked figure in the distance coming towards you, ready to finish the job.

You Died! - go to 1

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