2- Continue Watching

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You decide to continue watching your movie. You imagination is always overactive when your parents are gone. You sit and enjoy your movie laughing at all the parts you always do, and crying why your favourite character dies, even though you have seen this movie at least seven times before.
As the end credits roll you reach for the remote and switch off the television. You walk upstairs to your bedroom and prepare for bed (you want to get a bit of sleep before your parents return), you get in your pajamas, brush your teeth and crawl under your covers. After you are comfortable you pick up your phone and check out the latest memes before you go to sleep.
You fall into a deep sleep. You are so out cold that you do not hear the soft footsteps that ascend the stairs, you don't hear the creak of your doorknob turning and the low groan of your door opening, you don't hear the footsteps stop next to your bed and you don't know what's hit you when his knife finds its mark in your neck.

Try again? -Back to 1

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