4- Hide

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You have a bad feeling about the footsteps. Someone could be in the house! You decide to quietly sneak up the stairs. You move as quickly as you possibly can without making any noise. At the top of the stairs you listen for any sign that you are being followed as you stand behind the wall next to the stirs. Your heart races as you hear the creak of the first stair. You quickly rush into the nearest room. It's your parents room, the one room in the house that probably has the least amount of good hiding places. There is no time to change you realise as you hear the creak of another stair, you have to decide where to hide, and you have to make that decision now!
You look around. The only options you see are either hide in the closet or hide under the bed.

Hide under the bed- go to 7
Hide in the closet- go to 8

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