10- Jump out with a bat

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You grip the bat in your hand, this could be your one chance to get away. Your heart begins to thump in your chest as you prepare to jump out at the intruder.

You strain your ears to listen for the sound of the footsteps approaching. Slowly you hear them move toward the closet doors.

You grip the bat even more tightly as you quietly get in a position to strike. The closet doors are pulled open and you begin to swing the bat down on the masked figure in front of you. As you bring the bat down it catches in one of the hanging pieces of clothing behind you causing you to not hit the intruder with enough force to knock him out.

He sways cupping his head but you don't stay to see what happens next. You burst past him, narrowly missing scraping your leg on the butchers knife in his hand.
You sprint down the stairs and look around, would it be safer to try and get help from other people? Or should you hide in the woods?

Run to the woods- go to 5
Run to the neighbors- go to 6

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