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Author Notes; Thanks for all your support. Just a quick note that sorry I haven't been very active on Wattpad recently. I had a lot to do and I was having trouble keeping up on things.

However if you follow the other link below you will find that this Book has over 80 chapters and I'm hoping to go on for pretty much forever. 


Dreamweaver Chapter 13

We were now trying to get everyone moving by having snuck out the back door of the ruins of our former school. It was beyond repair, and actually now seeing it from the outside it was amazing so many people had lived through however we were brought to this world. It looked like a building that had gone through World War II bomb runs in Germany, almost.

I wondered if the travel between worlds was part of why the building had eroded so much. Some of the damage didn't appear to be from the orcs and they didn't have siege weapons. So it's clear the energy of being summoned was partly part of the damage.

We'd been moving for some time and at first no one was talking but I couldn't ignore how upset everyone was. In addition to the grief, and anger, there was a lot of desire for revenge. We'd finally worked our way down the stairs, and barely gotten out the back with a long line of tired and gore covered students in ruined clothes.

But there were signs some of the orcs were watching us with scouts and so we kept everyone armed and tried to keep even numbers throughout the line of people with the weapons or with the people with weapons at different hall check points as we worked down to the ground floor. People also were really scared and a lot of the halls were still dark so it took a long time.

It was confirmed we weren't alone still when we heard steps in some of the darker halls that had no light in them as strange heavier footsteps ran away from our retreating party. That made the others really nervous, since it was believed there were no other survivors left in the school and the orcs had pulled a lot of the bodies out already on the first floor at least.

They had yet to come back to the second floor and the third where we were at before coming down.

"You think we have time to salvage the kitchen area?" Akimoto suggested.

"I don't think we have time, before the orcs come back," Asakura sensei said.

"Besides even if we did have time to screw around I'd rather find a place to get the gore off all our clothes," Yumi said dourly. She was right. Everyone was covered in guts and blood, both their own and that of their friends, and that of the orcs.

"I ...agree...though I know a lot of people will be mad later when we don't know where food is going to come from," I said.

"Yeah that's true," Akira agreed.

"If we had maybe a couple really fast scouts to go they could probably hit it up," Akimoto pleaded.

"We're being watched," Akira was the first one to notice after me.

"Eh? That's bad," Yumi paled.

"Well that cuts off the kitchen idea. You would get pillaged by the scouts waiting for you to break away from the main group while you were either going through it or on the way there," I said.

"You think so?" someone said.

"Think about it. Wolves attack the deer that separate from the herd. It's common sense," Akira said.

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