Chapter 5

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--Draco's POV--

It's Noelle's fault, she dragged me under that stupid cloak in the first place. It's her fault that I ended up snapping at her. I mean, I can't help it. I have more important things going on in my life that need my attention.

Okay Draco, maybe not all of this evening's events are her fault.

Just wait until my father hears about this, then she'll be sorry.

I hated the girl. Why did I even invite her in the first place? Yeah, she was nice to me when others weren't, but that's just her. She's nice to everyone. It's part of her personality that can't be changed.

But instead of taking nice evening strolls with a Gryffindor, I should be thinkig about my task. The task that the Dark Lord had given me.

As I was walking back towards the dungeons, Snape gave me a look but I couldn't read his emotion. It was just impossible. Usually, I'm pretty good at it, but I couldn't read Snape. He was so monotone and he always had the same expression spread across his pale face; blank.

On my way to the dungeons, I stopped at the room that nobody else knows about; The Room of Requirement. It could store anything, whatever I required.

The door appeared out of the stone wall, and I went in, hoping it would vanish before anyone could see it.

I went over to the thing that I came here for, and dragged the huge blanket that was over it, off. It revealed a vanishing cabinet. I opened it, and placed an apple inside, hoping it would then disappear to it's sister cabinet in the furniture shop at Diagon Alley.

Once I'd finished with the cabinet, I closed its door and threw the blanket back over, hoping that nobody would be able to see it if they managed to get into this room.

--Noelle's POV--

Stupid Draco!

Stupid, stupid Draco!

When I got back, I put Harry's cloak back where it was, and then put my pyjamas back on, and sat infront of the crackling fire to warm myself up.

"Really Hermione? Dentists? You had to bring up the fact that a boy bit your father?!" I heard Harry say.

Well, it sounds like they had a good evening. At least it was better than mine.

When Harry came in, he jumped on the sofa, dropping his arm over my shoulder, like he usually does. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and toothy grin. I chuckled at him, and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Did you have a good time?" I asked.

"It was great!" Ginny said, laughing at what Harry had said before they entered.

"Yeah, Hermione told us a story about what happened with her parents in a dentis-" Harry said.

"I heard you when you were coming in" I said, flatly, interrupting him.

"Oh" was all he said.

Ginny was smirking at him, obviously because of my flat voice.

We sat in silence for a few moments, warming ourselves in front of the fire. All that was playing on my mind was what happened with Draco outside, whilst Harry was gone.

Why was I thinking of him?


I shouldn't be doing that...

"So what did you do whilst we were gone?" Ginny asked, smiling at me.

Good one Ginny.

"Nothing much, I just read over the potions book so I could be a little better" I said, lying through my teeth.

"I could tutor you, if you like?" Hermione said.

"No thanks, you know what I'm like" I replied.

I'm a rather independent person. I don't like relying on people to help me, I'd rather do it myself. I'm an independent learner.

"Anyway, I'm quite tired, so I'm gonna go to bed" I said, yet again; lying.

"I love you" Harry said, causing Ginny to look at the floor.

"I love you too" I said, planting a kiss on Harry's cheek.

I walked up the stone stairs and went into my dorm. Again, Harold was pirched on the window with a note in his beak.

I took the note from his beak, and it simply said:

Forgive me

Draco, again.

I ripped off a piece of parchment that I had on some notes, and I grabbed my ink and quill and scribbled back:

Same time tomorrow


I gave Harold the note and off he flew. So I shut the window and snuggled into bed.

--Draco's POV--

Her owl flew into the dungeons and landed straight onto my left shoulder. I'm not going to lie, but I have grown quite fond of this owl.

He had a note in his beak. It probably read something along the lines of: In your dreams Malfoy! or Hell no!

Feeling unsure of what I was about to read, I opened the note, and it read:

Same time tomorrow


Well that was not what I expected. It really wasn't. I was expecting a howler or something.

Well, I'd better get some sleep, because I have to save my energy for hating her in Potions class tomorrow.

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