Chapter 9

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So there's a week until Slughorn's party, and I was kind of nervous. I mean, me and Draco have been meeting in our usual place everyday for the last week. It's been a week since Harry broke my heart, but I guess I'm getting a little better, but that's mainly because Draco has been talking to me. We talked about everything but Harry. And, I was glad because he didn't remind me of the heart break I went through, but everytime I saw Harry in the common room, it brought back the memories.

I can't escape it, but Draco helps me, and I never thought I'd ever say that.

Everyone now knew that me and Harry had broken up. All the girls were looking out for me, and making sure that I was okay, and most of the boys were taking Harry's side because he's Harry Potter and they all wanted to be his friend. Even the Daily Prophet knew, and I didn't know that they knew that we were together in the first place! It just goes to show that Harry is really famous in the wizarding world.

I was in Potions now, and I was stood inbetween Harry and Draco. I was closer to Draco than Harry, because there were two people between me and Harry, and only one person between me and Draco.

Slughorn sent us to our cauldren's to make some sort of potion. I didn't know what it was because I wasn't really listening. I was too focused on the party next week, and wondering how good I can make myself look.

--Draco's POV--

There was a person; a Ravenclaw, inbetween me and Noelle. However, I did keep glancing at her, and she seems really distant today. She's not herself, but I guess I'll ask her about it later.

Slughorn is now making us make a potion, but I didn't know what potion it was, because I was too busy with my own thoughts.

I think I nearly have the Vanishing Cabinet working again. I just need to make another trip today, before I see Noelle, to try and get it working fully. I need to try a living animal, because if that works, then I should be able to move humans too.

--Noelle's POV--

Finally, Potions was over, and I could go and eat something before meeting Draco later.

Me and Hermione walked out of Potions together.

"So what is it that you want me to do to your hair?" she asked me.

Yes, I was letting Hermione do my hair for the Christmas party. She best do a good job of it though. I have a certain boy to impress.

"I want you to make it curly, and put it in a messy bun, so that strands are falling out, but it still looks nice" I said and she smiled.

"Okay, are you coming for the feast?" she asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, but I'm going to get changed first, I just want to get ot of these robes. I'll meet you down there" I said and she smiled and nodded.

I rushed off to the common room, and up to my dorm. I changed into some black skinny jeans and a grey jumper. Then, I put on my black flats and rushed back down the hall.

On my way there, I saw Draco and he smiled at me.

"Are we still meeting tonight?" he asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm just going to get something to eat and I'll meet you there" I said.

"An hour?" he suggested and I smiled.

"An hour" I agreed, and the we both walked off in opposite directions.

--Draco's POV--

I placed the small bird in the Vanishing Cabinet, and then I closed the door. I threw the blanket back over the top, then left the room how it was.

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