Chapter 7

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"Harry! You said you wanted to talk to me about something?" I said, when we were sat at the Gryffindor table for breakfast.

"It's best if I tell you somewhere private" he said.

I then stood up and he looked at me.

"Come on then" I said and I pulled him away from the table.

I looked over at the Slytherin table to see Draco, sort of, smiling at me. I half smiled back at him and then left the Great Hall, with Harry following closely behind me.

I knew people were staring at us, but I didn't care at all. I just wanted to hear what Harry had to say for himself. We turned right at the double doors, and I leant against the wall, with Harry standing opposite me.

"So, Slughorn is having a christmas party and I was wondering i-" Harry started and I jumped on him.

"I'd love to go with you" I squealled, and Harry chuckled awkwardly.

"I was actually going to say... I was wondering if it would be okay if I take Ginny as my guest? Her and Dean have just split up and I want to make her feel better" Harry said and I backed away from him.

He started coming towards me but I put my hand out, to stop him from coming closer.

"Are you kidding me Harry? Lately, all I hear is Ginny this and Ginny that. It's never me, is it?" I shouted, feeling the tears prick in my eyes.

"You know I love you Noelle, I really do, but I just want to be a good friend to Ginny" he said.

"Whilst I'm sat around on my own? Again?!" I said.

The tears were definitely streaming out of my eyes now.

"Just bloody yesterday, you were apologising for being distant, and you wanted to spend some time with just me! But no, now I see how it really is. It's the best friend's bloody sister! It always is!" I screamed.

"I have been with you for a year! I have been devoted to you!" Harry said.

"No, last year it the Dark Lord, now it's Ginny Weasley!" I said, sliding down the wall and sitting on the floor.

I curled myself up and just sobbed. I felt Harry crouch down next to me.

"I'm so-" he started.

"Don't bother" I said.

"Fine, then I guess this is it" Harry said.

I looked up at him, and he was tearing up.

"We're over" he whispered quietly, and then he pushed his hand through his hair.

He exhaled loudly and walked back into the Great Hall, leaving me sat on a cold, stone floor, with a broken heart.

--Harry's POV--

I had to break things off with Noelle, because it wasn't fair on her. I felt like a git for doing so, but it had to be done. I knew it would hurt, but in time, it will be for the best.

I was starting to fall for Ginny, and I couldn't help myself. I just couldn't. She's a beautiful girl, inside and out. Noelle was too, but there was just something about Ginny that attracted me to her, but I didn't know what.

"What happened out there?" Ron asked, noticing that I was flustered.

"We broke up" I said quietly, and my group of friends looked at me.

"What?!" Hermione said.

"Well, for starters, we have all this going on with Draco, and Voldemort, and Slughorn and it's all too much" I said and Hermione calmed down a little.

She knew that I never wanted to hurt Noelle.

"Just tell her that I'm sorry" I said and Hermione nodded.

--Noelle's POV--

I was broken inside. Well and truly broken. But the weird thing was, all I wanted was Draco. But I couldn't admit that to him.

I rushed up to the common room and ran up to my dorm, and scribbled a note for him:

Usual place, now!

I folded the note and put it in Harold's beak, and sent him on his way. Once I'd done that, I changed into some light wash skinny jeans, a teal long sleeve shirt and some black flats. I grabbed a jumper and threw it on as I left the common room.

I ran to our spot and I saw that Draco was already there pacing. I stopped suddenly and he noticed me. He also noticed that my usual straight, blonde hair was thrown into a messy bun. Also, that my eyes were a lovely shade of bloodshot and pink.

He stepped towards me and studdied me.

"What happened with Potter?" he whispered and I just fell to the floor and cried.

"We broke up" I said and Draco looked slightly amused.

Then he noticed how heart broken I was, and sat on the floor with me.

"I've never liked him" he said and I chuckled.

"I know, silly" I said, pulling my sleeve over my hand to dry my eyes.

But, Draco's thumb got there first. Draco Malfoy was actually wiping my tears away for me. I looked up at him and he placed his left hand on my cheek. He stared into my eyes.

"I never thought I'd say this, but you're too good for Potter" he said and I smiled.

But then I looked down at my hands.

"Slughorn is having a christmas party..." I started.

Draco looked at me funny.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the party with me? Just as friends, obviously" I said and Draco smiled.

"I don't do those sorts of social events" he said.

"If you do-" I started, but the Draco interrupted me.

"I'd love to" he said and I smiled.

And it was a genuine smile.

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