Chapter 13

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It was the evening of Christmas Day, and we had just returned to the castle, to see that the mail was on the table in the Great Hall. But first, there was something that me and Draco had to do.

Draco went to McGonagall and I stood behind him, holding his hand.

"Can we have a house change please?" Draco asked.

"Both of you?" McGonagall asked and Draco shook his head.

"Just Noelle" he said, slightly pulling me forward.

"And has Noelle agreed to this?" McGonagall asked, looking at me.

"I have, Professor" I said, smiling at Draco.

"I'll go and get the Sorting Hat" she said, and she walked around us, and out of the Hall.

Me and Draco walked over to the Slytherin table. I sat down, and Draco sat next to me, and looked at me.

"Did you enjoy today?" he asked me and I smiled.

"I have loved every minute, and thank you again for the necklace" I said resting my head on Draco's shoulder.

"No need to thank me, it looks good on you" he said and I laughed.

--Harry's POV--

I was sat in the Great Hall and I saw that Draco and Noelle were sat at what would be the Slytherin table, but seeing as it's Christmas, there were no house decorations.

Then, McGonagall walked in with the sorting hat.

"Miss Jameson?" she called, and Noelle and Draco walked to the front of the hall.

Noelle was rushing, and Draco was smirking, walking behind her. All I could do was stand at the enterance of the Great Hall and stare. I had no clue what was going on.

The hat was placed on Noelle's head, and she was muttering something, but I couldn't understand what she was saying. The hat was thinking.

"SLYTHERIN!" the hat shouted and the students who remained in school, looked towards Noelle.

That was it, Noelle was now the Slytherin Princess, and there is nothing that anyone could do about it.

--Draco's POV--

The newest member of Slytherin my very own girlfriend, the beautiful Noelle. My parents will love her, especially my mother.

"I believe a change of robes is needed" the professor said.

Whilst the professor went to get Noelle's new robes, I saw Harry walking angrily towards us. He slammed his fist on the table, and sat down in front of us.

I just stared at him whilst Noelle was admiring the necklace that I had bought her.

"You two being together was bad enough but you changed houses?!" Harry shouted.

"I want to be with Draco" she said and I looked at her.

"And I want to be with Noelle" I said.

"It was my idea Harry. Not Draco's, but mine. So this is none of your business" Noelle said.

"You'll lose your friends Noelle" Harry said, obviously pleading for her to come back to the Gryffindor house.

"They're your friends, not mine. I wouldn't be able to be around them without you being there, and seeing Ginny's smug face, over the fact that she took my boyfriend of a little over a year" she said. "So no thank you, I would much rather be here"

"You need to come back Noelle" Harry begged.

"Why's that?" I asked him, and he glared at me.

"Yeah, why Harry?" Noelle added.

"Because I still love you!" he shouted.

--Noelle's POV--


Harry said that he still loves me?

Even after breaking up with me to be with Ginny?

Oh, and speaking of Ginny, she rushed over, tears streaming down her face, obviously suffering the heart break caused by Harry. I felt sorry for Ginny, so I stood up and hugged her, and gladly, Draco didn't stop me.

"Well?" I heard Draco say, and I let Ginny go and stood inbetween both Harry and Draco.

"Harry, you broke my heart. You tore me to pieces. I adored you, and so did my parents, but when they find out what you did, they're going to hate you. I loved you Harry, more than I've ever loved anyone-" I explained, and I could feel the anger radiating off of Draco. "But I'm with Draco now. He cared for me when you were too busy with Ginny. You didn't care. Draco did. I'm happy Harry, you should want that for me, because that's all I want for you. I'm truely sorry, but I want Draco"

I back away from Harry, and I felt Draco's arms slither around my waist, and I felt his hands rest on my stomach.

"I'm sorry" Harry whispered; his eyes filling with tears.

I looked away from him, which suggested that he should leave. And with that, he did.

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