Chapter 8

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When's Slughorn's party?

I read Draco's note, and smiled. I got a piece of parchement, my quill and my ink bottle, and I scribbled:

December 21st. 2 weeks away

I have to go into Hogsmeade and find a suitable dress for the party. It had to be formal, and classy, like I can be.

I already have an idea of what dress I want, so hopefully I'll be able to get it. But, I'll have to go with Hermione, I can't be seen going on my own now can I?

All the classes had finished now, and Hermione had just come into the dorm.

"Are you okay Noelle?" she asked me, and I managed to crack a smile.

"I'll be fine, but you know what would make me better?" I said and she looked at me.

She knew, straight away.

"A trip to Hogsmeade?" she suggested, with a smile.

I nodded and she chuckled at me.

"Let me change out of my robes" she said, and I clapped, because that meant she would come with me.

She quickly changed into some skinny jeans and a jumper, and we headed down the stairs to the common room. I saw Harry and he was sat on his own with his head in his hands.

Once he heard us, he shot up and looked at who was behind him. He looked me dead in the eye, and stood up. He started to walk towards me and Hermione back away.

"Noelle I-" he started, but I didn't want him to carry on, because I knew it would hurt.

"Save it Harry, I'm going to Hogsmeade" I said, and he nodded and walked away.

Hermione came back and we went down the hall, and walked quickly, to get out of the castle.

As soon as I got out, I sighed and leant against the stone wall. Hermione stopped and leant against the stone wall, next to me. Then, she looked over at me. She gave me the most apologetic look.

"It's fine Hermione, he can be with Ginny, but I'm going to show him what he is missing" I said, and Hermione chuckled slightly.

"He wanted to say that he's sorry" she said, and I looked down at my feet.

"Time for sorry is over" I said, and then we walked to Hogsmeade.

--Hermione's POV--

I wanted to tell her the reasons why Harry broke up with her, but that's his doing. He needs to tell her that he couldn't handle the relationship with everything that's going on. She has a right to know.

We took a steady walk since most of the shops would still be open.

"What're you thinking?" I asked her.

"That Harry is a total git" she replied, and we both laughed.

"Okay, apart from that" I said and she looked at me.

"I'm thinking about the dress I plan on getting for Slughorn's christmas extravaganza. It's got to wow him, and make him realise that he has made a huge mistake" she said and I smiled.

At least she still has guts to fight for the boy she loves. I would never be able to do that with Ron.

You see, he's getting really good at Quidditch, and lately all he's been doing is snogging that girl. Ever since the Gryffindor celebration party, where Harry fooled him into thinking that there was Liquid Luck in his breakfast drink.

It made Ron good, obviously, but it made him too good. And now, he just has that girl's lips all over his, and it makes me want to vomit. And cry. Sometimes both. But, there's nothing I could do about it.

Harry was there for me though, when I left the party and sat on the stairs crying.

--Noelle's POV--

After about an hour of looking for dresses, I was torn between two dresses; a knee length, red dress, with spaghetti straps. It had a black, ribon band around the waist, which tied at the back. It wasn't too puffy, it was just perfect. Or there's the fitted, floor length black, silk dress, which had no straps at all, and a slit going up left leg. Also, it had no back, so I would have to wear a bra that was clear plastic at the back, so no one would notice. The bra would have to be strapless. And, it's a good job I have one of those, but anyway, back to the dress...

The dress was also covered, top to bottom, in subtle sparkles, and it would look great with black heels.

I tried them both on and Hermione looked them both, but I think she favoured the black dress more, so I decided to buy it, along with some black heels. I was so excited to turn up to the party on Draco's arm, in this dress, to show Harry what he was really missing out on.

"That dress is gorgeous" Hermione said, once we'd left the shop.

"I could tell you preferred this one" I said and we both giggled.

"You're going to look beautiful. Harry will be speechless" she added, but then her eyes went wide.

I looked at her and then she gasped.

"Who are you going with?" she asked, stopping dead in her track.

"It's a surprise, but trust me, Harry will be shell shocked" I replied, and we headed to the Three Broomsticks and had a few Butterbeers.

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