What's said is done

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I feel bad for going to cops cause I know what people say "snitches get stitches" but shit I had to do what I had to do ! I can't be walking around here scared out of my life cause of this bull crap ! I love Jamal but that girlfriend of his gone get him in a world of trouble .

I kinda miss stalking her ass around but the bitch was crazy !

(2 weeks later)

"Kaydence Mitchell I'm detective Ron & I have a few questions for you ....."


I'm stuck in the hell hole because of some bullshit I know what I did was wrong but damn ! This ain't nothing like how they be setting it up to be on tv .

"New booty I'm tired of you sitting in here like you mad at the damn world you been in here for 2 weeks it's time to shut that shit up & get used to it !" My cellmate said I just rolled my eyes like I usually did

"One day your eyes gone get stuck if you keep rolling them but I'm tired of your attitude & imma fix that ! " Trina my cellmate said WTF she mean gone fix it ?

I been in here for 2 weeks & they still haven't announced my bail . Man I can't sit in here for to much longer & I can only talk to Jamal through letters this is some bull shit ! & my parents only come see me twice a week so that's sad to I find myself crying a lot but I'm strong imma get through this !
The food was so nasty ! I did have one friend though her name is titi she been here for 1 years & have 4 more to go. She was cool people but as soon as we became a little closer they processed her to a prison.

(Later on that night)

"GAURDDDDD!!!!!!" I screamed but no answered me

"SHUTUP Rayna & take it you been running your mouth for to long imma get your sexy as tonight" Trina said sticking a bar of soap in & out of me while trying to kiss my neck

"GET OFF OF ME PLEASEEEEEE" "NOOOOO PLEASE STOP" "HELPPPPPPP" I yelled but it seemed like no one heard me all screams died & my face was filled with tears. My dignity & pride was gone !

Rayna got raped ?

Detective talking to kaydence ?

What's next ?


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