Chapter 1

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Ok here's what you need to know about xreaders

F/N = First Name
L/N=Last Name
F/C=Favorite Color
H/C= Hair Color
H/L=Hair Length
Ok so I think that's it for the things of your needing to know ok let's get started

You finish putting all your stuff in the moving van then call your sister Lucinda.Hey luc I'll be at your house in like 20 ok?you said.Yeah sure see you then bye sis!Lucinda hung up after that and you hoped in the moving van and started to drive to your sister's house.

When you finally get there Lucinda was waiting outside for you.Hey my little sister Y/N how ya been? She says sarcastically. Hey so you wanna help me unpack I mean I don't have that much but it would be say.Weeellllll I kinda have to leave but if you want someone to help you unpack you can go next door and ask the guys to help you!said Lucinda. Sure but will you go over with me before you leave?you beg.Please I know how socially award you are she said sarcastically. Lucinda Knows your kinda a player but you just don't want to admit it.

      You and Lucinda walk next door to the guys house but you wounded if these guys are cute.lucinda knocks on the door.Then the door is opened by a tall blond with baby blue eyes.WOW you think seeing he is really cute.hey Lucinda and...?
This is my sister Y/N.said lucinda.Hello Y/N my name is Garroth. H-hi you manage to get out. Another guy with brown hair and light sky blue eyes walks up behind Garroth and says what's up Lucinda!Then he noticed you and said.Hey my name is laurence.he smirked at your shyness because you didn't say anything.omi you mumbled under your breath.hey guys my little sis Y/N is moving in with me and I was wondering if you guys could help her unload that truck while I go run out for a bit?said lucinda.Sure they both said at the same time. I'll get Travis and Dantae.said Laurence while he ran back inside.Laurence Dantae isn't home he's at Nicole's house.Garroth yelled.Laurence came back with another guy.WOOOW you thought in your head.a guy with snow white hair and emerald green eyes look at you and smirked.Heeey sortie lookin fine!TRAVIS!! Garroth,Laurence, and Lucinda yelled.Travis if you dare hurt/touch my baby sister I WILL END YOU!yelled Lucinda. OK JEEZ I WONT DO ANYTHING TO HER YET!said Travis acting like this was normal.WHAT!? Lucinda yelled when she heard YET.TRAVIS I SWEAR YOU TOUCH HER YOU DIE!Lucinda screamed .OK I WONT I PROMISE ITS NOT LIKE I COULD WITH THESE TWO WATCH DOGS AROUND ME ANYWAYS!He said pointing at Garroth and Laurence. They both nodded innocently. While all this was happening you where just dying of laughter on the ground.All your life your sister has been way over protective and everyone you ever dated Lucinda had to meet and approve of she was like the mom you both never had.(MCD!!u should watch it!!)
    You thought they were really cute but they were different and your sister would need to approve of them if you wanted to date them.Lucinda walk back to the house leaving you with the watch Lucinda get in her car and drive down the street.You turned and looked at the guys and they were staring and practically drooling over you.
  So umm do you guys want to start unpacking now or..?You said.ill help you un anything you want.Travis replied with a wink.TRAVIS!!Garroth and Laurence yelled.What!?Travis questioned while smirking.let's just go come on Y/N we should start unpacking your stuff before it gets dark.Said Laurence. OK let's cheered walk you and the guys walked over to the house next door that your now sharing with your sister. The guys brought in the bed set while you brought in your backpack(there are clothes in it) with a box of your art work(You are a very good artist)the guys stare at you as you walk up the stairs. (They're looking at your butt)
   Nice ass!Travis yelled up to you.TRAVIS!!Garroth and Laurence yelled.You blushed bright red.hey you guys were thinking it I was just saying it.Travis laughed at the thought of them saying that.

When you and the guys finish bringing everything up you start to decorate while the guys set up you bed frame and put on the bed.When the guys finish that Garroth said he has to because he was supposed to meet his little brothers at his house.Laurence left with him because Laurence had a show he was supposed to watch in 15 minutes.Then only you and Travis are left in the house.
  Hey Travis do you want to watch TV? Sure. He what do you want to watch? He asked.I LOVE THE ANIME FAIRY TAIL!!you practically scream in his face.OMI I LOVE FAIRY TAIL!!he also screams

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