chapter 3

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After Garroth dried you and aphmau Larence,Dantae,and Travis got home.Garroth was all excited to talk about how he found a NATURALLY PURPLE AND F/C CATS!! (You and Aphmau IDK if you remembered)

Garroth's POV

I was so excited to tell the guys about the purple,black,and white cat I found along with a the other cat I found.That cat its F/C grey and brown.I want to keep them but I don't think the guys will let me."hey guys I found two cats outside and I wanna keep em I mean look at em they're adorable!".The guys go up and pet the two cats."Garroth they are adorable but we can't keep them we can barely afford rent and we don't know if they got their shots or if they're even fixed!" Dantae said. (You and Aphmau started to try to find a way out of their house after hearing this😹🙀) "Yeh Garroth and where would we keep them we have like know room." said Travis."And what would we call them?" Garroth thought for a moment  and then said"The purple one is sprinkles and the
F/C is cupcake so they go together!!"

3rd person view


By the time the boys where trying to pick out names for you and Aphmau,You and Aphmau ran for the widow an broke it excaping though the glass.You and Aphmau just ran and ran until you ended up at Zanes house and Aphmau somehow rang the door bell."WAT APH WHY HIM HE SO BLUE!!"you wisper screamed."I gotta try someone you you said you would help me!"Aph wispered back to you.Zane opened the door and look at you two and said "ohh look some kitty's wanted to pay me a little visit how cute." He talk with very little emotion and even with a bit of sarcasm."Would you like some milk?"said Zane.Zane picked up you Aphmau and brought us inside after closing the door.he sets you and Aphmau on the couch and walks in the kitchen.Zane comes back out of the kitchen with two bowls one with Milk the other with raw fish.You and Aphmau couldn't help yourselfs and ate every bit of what he gave to them.


Dont laugh idk how to spell grey is it grey or gray idk
I like food it's nice
Yeah I made this just to tell anyone that might read this book witch i very much doubt that my phone is off so I try too publish what I can when I get wifi soooooo yeah if you read my Phoenix Drop High book thing and are wondering why I'm not updating this is why kk love you all so good bye

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