Gally x reader

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    It was a nice day in the glade. The sun was out, no cloud in sight, the birds were chirping, and the scenery of the glade looked amazing.

  You gripped your hammer looking out to the burning sun and smiled to yourself before spinning your Hammer in your hand and turning back to get to work.

You never noticed the keeper of the builder's, gally watching you from his working spot with a strange look in his eye's before turning away when you went back to work.

Your hammer pounded into the nail holding your masterpiece in place. You wiped sweat from your brow and brought your hammer down once more. You enjoyed being a builder and a helper of the place you've called home for a few months now.

The glade was scary and weird at first but you lightened up to most if not all the people in the glade which were oddly all boys. You grabbed a rope beside you and started tying the two pieces together.

You were doing your own little project now and it was going well for you. Then, you turned your head towards the keeper of the builder's also your secret crush.

He was the first person in the glade that had actually talked to you since you were the first girl and all l and you warmed up to him very fast.

He was sweet but hardcore when he wanted to be, but he was your first friend in the glade and your first crush.

Suddenly, he looked over in your direction. You both made eye contact and you gasped softly before turning away with a blush on your face.

Gally smirked and then the lech bell rang causing all of the builder's to portray out. Except you and gally.

You sighed softly not looking up toward him but he got up and walked over to you. He leaned down crouching "whatcha got there greenie?" He asked jokingly.

You scoffed before rolling your eye's at him "I've been here for well over a few month's gally. And yet...".

You turned towards him causing his smirk to falter as you gave a crafty smile "I'm still a greenie to you".

Gally seemed a little surprised and then he started stuttering "i-i...i-i - I um...uhh."

You giggled and he froze a little before scoffing and getting up "come on greenie and show me what you got there!"

You sighed before turning your creation upwards "I figured that if we can't exactly keep people from being stuck in the maze...we can keep the doors from closing if only for a few seconds".

You put up two smoothed Bo staffs with a hole in the top at each one, there was also a brown comfort handle for the user.

You connected the two staffs together "it can be used as a weapon or..." a small wooden button clicked upwards as the two staffs locked together, you pressed the button softly " extendable staff that could possibly save if even half of our runners".

Gally had wide eye's as he looked over your craftsmanship "do you like it?" You asked him.

Gally smirked "it's...not bad, greenie."

You sighed before smiling a little "of course that the best compliment you can give".

Gally frowned a little at that before smiling a little and you put your staff away before turning to gally "well? We are gonna be late for lunch. Minho most likely already ate most of the food" you chuckled.

He smiled and stepped forward.

You smiled and headed outside the builder's tent but you felt a muscular hand grab your arm stopping you in your tracks.

You turned back "gally?"

You gasped as he pulled you in by your arm and caught you with his hand on your waist. You had wide eye's with a huge blush on your face.

Gally sighed and said "your a great builder (y/n) and your idea was great. It will most likely help the runners and your actually not that bad....for a greenie" he added with a small smirk.

You looked at him oddly "why the sudden change of heart?"

Gally seemed to hesitate "your....i...I really like you (y/n) and your a great builder and a friend and if you don't feel the same way I'll understand and--"

You put your finger to his mouth shushing him and then you smiled "you like me?"

He nodded slowly and kind of sadly.

You smiled and giggled before wrapping your arms around his surprised figure.

"I like you too!"

Gally then cheered and wrapped his strong arm's around your waist and lifted you and spun you around in the air.

You laughed in glee and smiled down at him.

"ITS ABOUT SHUCKING TIME!" a voice yelled.

You both turned and saw all the glade members with goofy smiles on their faces.

They all cheered for the new couple throwing their drinks in the air causing it to splash on everyone.

Everyone was laughing and cheering coming up to congratulate the new couple. But, gally gard at all of them saying 'if you touch her. I'll kill you' in his eye's.

You chuckled and shook your head as they gave nervous smiles before you took a drink and chugged the bitter drink.

The boys cheered while gally chuckled as you set the cup down with a clang and lifted the mood by starting a dog howl.

Which everyone joined in.

It felt good to be part of a family.

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