Ben Attack's

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You were working with Newt, Gally and Thomas in the fields. Gally was close to you holding a piece of wood in place as he hammered the piece in to the ground.

Newt and Thomas were digging up the remaining dried fertilizer and you were getting the remaining pieces of the contraption gally was building.

You were a med - jack but Clint and Jeff wouldn't let you go in since no one was injured so they gave you the day off. You objected at first but, they wouldn't take no for an answer and pushed you off into gally's arm's with smirks on their faces.

They were like brothers to you and annoying at that.

You saw that the guy's run out of fertilizer as you put down the supplies. You grabbed the bucket and said "I'll dig up more fertilizer. I'll be right back".

Newt yelled a thanks and gally gave you a quick peck on the lips with a "be careful and hurry back" before secretly watching you walk off and go back to work.

You walked through the deadheads ducking under tree branches and walking over fallen twigs and bones.

You finally found a good spot for fertilizer not that far from the homestead and leaned down and started digging. You actually weren't fond of the deadheads nut, you and gally played alot in the leaves and tree tops.

You were stuck in your own thought and we're startled when you hear the dead leaves crunching and a couple of twigs break under pressure.

You turned swiftly and was surprised to see Ben the runner that was stung the other day.

"Hey Ben" you greeted and stood up without the bucket.

You smiled slightly at him. You and Ben weren't really friends but you had talked with him once or twice but, gally was usually with you.

Your smile faltered as you noticed his uneven breathing and rapid breaths. He looked unsteady on his feet and was stumbling towards you.

You backed up a little "Ben? Are you ok? You should go back to the med - jack tent or I could even help you."

You jumped slightly when he started shaking his eye's dilated and a look of malice in his eye's "W-where is Thomas?!"

You were suddenly scared but, you wouldn't want to endanger one of your friends "i-i don't know".

Ben didn't like your answer.

Ben started stalking towards you "why didn't you tell us (y/n)!? Thomas sent us here and you...".

He looked down then looked back at you with a crazed look "you and!"

He then calmed with a psychotic smile blood dripping out his mouth with his veins visible and skin a pale white "I'll just kill them first" he chuckled "then I'll come back for you".

He then turned solemn and sorrowful "why did you help do this to us all (y/n), but....".

Ben got back to his crazed look "Thomas caused this...all of this and he'll pay for what he did to me!"

Ben then started running towards the homestead. You were confused at first and then realized he was going after...Thomas and gally!

You picked up the bucket and ran after Ben with surprising speed. You eventually caught up and swung your bucket hitting Ben over the head making him cry out and stop.

Ben then looked at you venom in his eye's "your eager to die aren't you y/n?" You dropped the dented bucket and backed away not noticing you were turning away from the site.

Ben the lunged "I'll kill you first then!"

You gasped and ducked under him before running once more.

Ben growled and ran after you. He grabbed at your legs and you fell into the ground with a thud.

You hit your head against a stone and this caused a massive headache. Then, Bens hands were wrapped around your neck and you clawed at his fingers but his grip never let up.

Ben looked at you with no remorse and only a bloody smile on his face.

You couldn't breath "help!" You cried hoarsely.


You were having a hard time gathering air into your lungs and you struggled vainly.

Ben whispered into your ear "goodbye (y/n)".

He squeezed harder "n-no" you breathed.

You then groaned and your leg came up into his crotch.

He released you and then you gasped for air before running to the homestead once more.

"Help!" You cried but your voice was still hoarse from Bens choking.

Ben had gotten up again and caught up once more. Damn you runners!

He then tackled you and you both were sent tumbling quite painfully down a hill. You were first to get up and you were very dizzy and stumbling alittle.

Ben noticed this and still lunged, you side stepped and kicked him in the face. He didn't seem affected only angered. You then saw he had a weapon and he whipped out a hatchet.

'Oh shuck'

You started running again and you climbed up onto a tree branch and jumped up to another branch. Ben looked shocked and then groaned before throwing his hatchet.

You screamed before moving almost slipping off the tree. You the jumped off the tree onto another which was closer. The hatchet had landed on the ground and Ben couldn't climb.


Ben threw his hatchet with accuracy and you dodged but you were cut on the shoulder.

You slipped and fell out of the tree. Luckily, you weren't high enough to damage anything. Ben was panting when he got to you and you were backing up on your hands and knees.

Ben took his hatchet off the ground once more and swung. Your eye's widened and you screamed "GALLY!"

Gally shot up upon hearing your cry and Newt and Thomas as well they were all worried since you were supposed to be back already.

Gally immediately started running to the deadheads the others who heard following soon after. Gally shouted out your name but, you never answered. He was very worried now.

Suddenly, Ben appeared he had a hatchet in his hand.

Gally then saw you.

You were held by the collar of your shirt in his left hand. A deep gash was in your shoulder and another across your chest.

Your eye's were closed and that set him off.

Ben lifted you alittle onto your knees but you hung limply "I was off to kill Thomas and gally, but she was eager to die first. So why not?"

Gally looked from your pale face and charged at Ben who wasn't ready for the brutal attack. Gally pounded his face in while the other gladers ran over to you and mourned over your untimely departure.

Some gladers even came over to join gally in his pummeling of ben. Gally finished with bloody knuckles having multiple gladers pull him back.

Gally ran over to your limp body and picked you up into his arm's and sobbed into your chest. He cradled you and held onto you as if you would be taken away again.

Suddenly, you gasped and opened your eyes slowly and gally gasped before yelling "go get help! Y/N ' s alive! She's alive!"

The gladers cheered and some ran off to find help but Jeff was already there.

Gally looked into your eyes "don't ever do that again, I'm never leaving your side again". You smiled weakly and gally got up and started towards the med jack tent.

The only question was....

What brought you back?

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