Forced pleasure (1)

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warning! of forced rape. Read with caution.

It was mid afternoon in the glade, you were cuddled up to gally in his hammock. He and you had taken a break from building, the new living area had to be rebuilt and you had just finished.

Gally had one leg out of the hammock as you lay in between his legs your head on his chest. The hammock swings softly enough to make you drowsy and alittle nauseous.

Suddenly Gally puts a sloppy kiss on your forehead and you fake disgust before giggling "Oh isn't that mature." You said and Gally laughed breaking the silence.

"That's no way for a captain to behave" you teased with a smile and Gally shivered before you turned in his arms to be in front of him on his lap.

"Ugh your such a tease. You know I can't control myself around you" he whispered making you bite your lip and you leaned close your lips inches apart as he smirked down at you.

"Who says you have to?" You asked barely a whisper as Gally closed the distance between you two. Gally pulls you onto his lap as you wrap your arms around his neck, his hands grip your hips roughly making you gasp as he grinds against you.

"No fair" you murmur breathless and he smirks up at you his hn'd dangerously low close to your tailbone "I've never been fair" he said and you giggled as he chuckles before he pulls you back in for another kiss.

Until, Newt comes in that is.

"Ok that's just bloody disgusting. Control your hormones please" Newt says his hands on his hips as he turns sharply from the sight of you both. You and Gally chuckled before sitting up his hands on your waist "Oh don't be so innocent now Newt" you teased "With you and Thomas sneaking off into the woods last night".

Newt turned back go you both and you and Gally couldn't help the laughter escaping your throats "H-how do you know about that?!" He whispers harshly.

"Don't worry newty. Your secrets safe and sound in these four walls" you assure him.

"Unless I say something of course" Gally says bluntly.

You snorted as Newt gaped at him panicked "No no no I'll never hear the end of it from Minho please gally I'll do anything" Newt begs and you playfully hit gally as he considers it.

Gally rolls his eye's before chuckling his grip on your waist tightening pleasurably "Fine. Just try and be less obvious next time" he said.

Newt smiled and sighed in relief before saying "I wouldn't be one to talk if I were you Gally. You and (y/n) are extremely open about your relationship".

Gally and you snickered before Gally grinds against you making you gasp before blushing when Newt realizes what just happened "Oh that's disgusting!" He shouted before he mumbled to himself something about "Try...on...tommy".

You and gally watch as he leaves before Gally takes you by your thighs and picks you both off the hammock "Time to get to work" he says and you shake your head at him.

He gives you one last peck on your lips before he sets you down and takes his makeshift hammer from the stool.

"See you later Cap'n" you say leaning against the door before slipping on your other working shirt.

"See you princess" he shouted back before he met up with the other workers.

He turned back around and you smiled before leaning down to take the bandages off the bottom of the stool. You heard a few shouts from the builder's and looked over towards gally.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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