Chapter One-Halloween-October 31, 1978-15 years' later

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Nurse Marion Chambers, 30, was dressed in her white colored Nurse's uniform.

She smoked a cigarette.

Heavy rain hit the Station Wagon's glass windows.

"What did you use before?".


"He'll barely be able to sit up".

"That's the idea...Here we are".

They saw a sign. It read:


As they passed a chained fence that held the other Mental patients...Doctor Loomis shot a pained look on his tired face.

They're walking all alone on the grounds; they're walking without their restraints...Yet, they were still in their white colored straightjackets...

...He didn't want to antagonise anyone again...

..."The driveway's a few hundred miles up on your right". He heard the pounding of rain getting even more heavier.

"Are there any special instructions?".

"Just try to understand what we're dealing with here...Don't underestimate it". He was anxious. He wanted tonight was going to be over, before Halloween was over. The Nurse adjusted her stockings, as she shivered.

"I should think we should refer to 'it', as 'him'".

"Whatever you say?".

"Your compassion is overwhelming...Doctor".

"There's nothing I can say to tell you otherwise, Marion. We're not going to convince Doctor Wynn that we fucked up; we didn't fuck up. It broke out! Ever done anything like this...before?". He noticed another sign.

This one read:

The Rabbit in Red Lounge-Entertainment Nightly

"Only Minimum Security".

"I see".

"What does that mean? Are you purposefully relating the fact that Michael Myers wants to go back home?".

"Yes...Also, it means that I see".

"You don't have to make this any harder than it already is".

She started on her third cigarette.

"I couldn't even if I tried". His awkward attempt to placate her failed. He sighed, as he looked out of the passenger-side window.

"The only thing that ever bothers me is their gibberish...When they rave on...and on...".

"You don't have anything to worry about...He hasn't said a thing in 15 years". Then he saw a 60 year old man dressed in a white gown.

He whispered to Doctor Loomis.

"Pull up to the entrance!".

"Shouldn't we pick him up?".

"Move it!".

"What did he say?".

"He asked me if we could find him his purple lawn mower".

"I don't think this is any time to be funny".

"He said something else...'It's alright now...The evil is gone...The evil is gone'". He watched the road; she watched the patients.

John Carpenter's Halloween-The Night He Came Home-A novelWhere stories live. Discover now