Wedding Part 3

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After the wedding was over, Beca, Chloe, and the rest of the guests rode to the banquet hall in a limo. Chloe was still extremely anxious and shaken up from falling, so Beca had her arm around her at the beginning of the reception. "You ok, baby?" She asked gently.

Chloe nodded anxiously. "Yeah, it's just the anxiety."

"You'll be ok, just look into my eyes, I'm right here with you. You're safe and you have nothing to worry about."

Chloe smiled sadly at Beca. "I'm sorry I ruined the wedding."

"How on earth did you ruin the wedding Chlo?" Beca asked.

"I fell in front of everyone and embarrassed you," Chloe shrugged.

"You didn't embarrass me Chlo, I'm so proud of you for trying so hard."

"I just try so hard and nothing works out and I feel so awful," Chloe sighed.

"Hey, you took like 3 steps that were perfectly fine before you started stumbling, I'm so proud," Beca said with a huge smile. "You were told you'd never walk again and you did!"

Chloe smiled softly at Beca. "I love you baby."

"I love you too," Beca said. "Can we have the first dance?"

"Beca I can't dance," Chloe said sadly. She knew how important this was to Beca, but it was impossible.

"Yes you can, just come with me," Beca said, grabbing Chloe's hand as Chloe slowly pushed herself to the dance floor.

The DJ switched the song to When I Look Into Your Eyes and Beca held Chloe's hand and gently twirled her around in her wheelchair. Then, she grabbed Chloe's other hand and pulled her up so she was standing. Chloe immediately tensed up and her face was stricken with panic. "Beca I can't."

"Yes you can, I got you," Beca said, holding onto Chloe's waist as Chloe grabbed her shoulders.

Chloe nodded and the two began swaying back and forth until the song was about to end. Then, Beca pulled her in for a hug and a kiss before helping Chloe sit back down. "I knew you could do it," Beca said happily.

Chloe smiled and looked up at Beca. "You're the best wife on earth."

"No, you're the best wife on earth," Beca protested. "Let's go cut the first slice of cake."

Chloe nodded and followed Beca over to the table with the cake. Beca and Chloe both held the knife and sliced the first piece of cake before Beca picked it up and smashed it in Chloe's face with a laugh. "Gotcha!" She said, laughing hysterically.

"Oh my god," Chloe laughed as she grabbed a huge chunk of cake and started chasing Beca around the banquet hall.

Even on wheels, she was still a good two feet behind Beca, mostly because her arms weren't strong enough to push fast enough.

Beca turned around and looked at Chloe with a huge grin on her face. "You can't catch me!"

Chloe smirked and stood up, walking a few feet before falling on top of Beca and smashing the cake in her face. "Now that fall was on purpose," she laughed.

Beca smiled and straddled Chloe, before pulling her in for a kiss. "I love you so much."

"I love you too baby, this really was a perfect night," Chloe replied sweetly. She couldn't have imagined their wedding going any other way. They were their own kind of perfect.

A/N: hey guys! bechloemyhaiz here! Kaiz let me help with this story so here I am. Hope you like it!!!

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