Thinking about having a baby

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Beca woke up feel much better than yesterday. She saw Chloe wasn't in the bed so she went downstairs seeing the kids was watching girls meets world and Chloe was in the kitchen making breakfast. Chloe was standing up using her braces. Beca walked in kisses Chloe on the neck and wrapping her Arm around Beca waist.

"Hey baby!" Chloe smirked finishing up breakfast.

"Shouldn't you be in your wheelchair. You're only supposed to use those at therapy for right now."Beca said kissing Chloe on the neck.

"Yes I know but I wanted to make breakfast for you guys. I want to show I can stand up and make breakfast for once and I can't make breakfast sitting in a wheelchair." Chloe said explaining.

Beca was getting Chloe all kinds of kissing in her neck and pushing her hair to the one side before ivy came in the kitchen.

"Get a room you two. Like seriously kissing is gross." Ivy stick her tongue out at them

"Blame your momma ivy. It not me!" Chloe giggles.

"Yes! Blame me it all my fault for showing love to my wife." Beca said putting her hands up

"Momma put your hands down. We are only kidding." Ivy giggles

"I know baby!" Beca goes over and picks up ivy and spins her around like a princess

"I heard you're going on a trip. Yes I'm not sure if Emma coming."

"Why not! She said she might not go. She said she would miss Chloe too much."

"Oh?" Beca laughed

Chloe set up the Table and lay out all the food she had cook. She sat in her wheelchair.

Chloe rolled into her spot next to ivy. Beca was sitting by Chloe and Emma was sitting across from Beca. They all are their food and Beca helped Chloe clean up the kitchen. The girls went upstairs to pack their bags as Chloe and Beca was on the couch kissing each other.

"I heard you want to have a baby."

"Emma? Did she tell you."

"Yes she did! She told me she heard you in your sleep the night you let her sleep with us."

"Beca? It really nothing it was just a silly dream like I can actually be pregnant while be in a wheelchair."

"Baby! You can get pregnant. I know it will be hard since you can't really walk and you're in A wheelchair but you can do it."

"No! I honestly can't? It just a silly dream Beca." Chloe said not wanting to talk about it

"Chlo! It not a silly dream. If you want to get pregnant. Then let have a baby. I always wanted to see your pregnant."

"Beca! Do you know how much process it will take. Honestly just think! I will have to get injected with sperm. Even if I can't feel anything down there it will still honestly hurt me. We don't even know if I fertile or not. I just don't want to go through the full process." Chloe signed covering her face

"Hey! Chlo look! I know it will be an hard process but it really worth it at the end. You will end up having a beautiful you growing inside you. You will be bringing an human in the world."

Mysterious life of BechloeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang