The Mall

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The girls got home a few days later and it was currently Saturday afternoon. Chloe was playing outside with Emma and Beca was in the kitchen answering emails. Ivy ran in to ask her a question. "Hey mom, can you drive me to the mall? Me and a friend are meeting there."

"I have to run into work for a few things but I think Chloe's free," Beca replied.

"Ok, I'll go ask her, thanks mom," Ivy said, going into the back yard. "Mom, can you drive me to the mall?"

"Yeah of course, I have to get Emma a few things too," Chloe replied. "Are you meeting a friend?"

"Yep!" Ivy said.

"Sounds good." Chloe threw the ball she and Emma were playing with back to the little girl. "Hey Em, we're going to go to the mall for a little bit."

"Ok!" Emma said excitedly. She put the ball down and followed Chloe and Ivy inside.

"Becs we're gonna go to the mall for a little while," Chloe said.

"Ok, I have to go into work for a bit but I'll be home by seven and I'll cook dinner," Beca said, turning around to give Chloe a kiss. "Be careful ok?"

"Always," Chloe replied, leaning in to give her another kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too," Beca said.

Chloe and the girls got in the car and drove to the mall. "Ivy how much money do you need?"

"Oh I don't need anything. I wasn't planning on buying anything, it's fine."

"Here at least take $20," Chloe said, handing her a $20 bill."

"Aww thanks mom," Ivy replied. She helped Chloe into her wheelchair and Emma climbed out behind her. "I told Allie we'd meet her by the fountain," she said. "Do you know where it is? This is my first time here."

"Oh yeah it's right over here," Chloe said, leading the girls to the fountain.

"Oh there's Allie," Ivy said, waving the girl over.

"Hey!" Allie said.

"Hey Allie, this is my mom and my sister Emma," Ivy said, introducing her family.

"Hi!" Chloe said. "It's so nice to meet you!"

"You too," Allie replied shyly.

Chloe smiled at Ivy. "Ivy we'll meet you back here 2 hours ok? Because then it'll be almost 7 and your mom's gonna be home then to cook dinner."

"Ok," Ivy replied. "See ya!"

She and Allie began walking around the mall and they went into forever 21. "So you have 2 moms?" She asked.

"Yep!" Ivy replied. "They got married like 2 months ago and they adopted me and Emma last month."

"Oh ok," Allie replied. "What are their names?"

"Oh yeah she didn't tell you. The one you just met is Chloe and the other one is Beca. They're both great, I love them so much."

"That's nice," Allie replied. "Can the other one walk?"

"Oh yeah, she's fine. And Chloe can sort of walk too. She's been working really hard at physical therapy so she'll be able to soon."

"So she's paralyzed?"

"Just her legs, she got hurt last year and she doesn't really talk about it much, it freaks her out," Ivy explained.

"It must be hard having a mom in a wheelchair," Allie replied.

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