Chapter 3

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(OK the picture is what I imagined his room to be like)

I woke ,up rubbed my eyes and stretched. I took a shower and went down stairs to have breakfast. Since it was Sunday I pigged out and had chocolate cake for brekkie. "Morning, sweetie." Said my mum. "Morning mum." "I'm going to work today so the house will vacant, take care honey I love you so much." "I love you too mum bye."

After brekkie I decided to watch tv for awhile, but I couldn't focus on the program I was still thinking about a certain blue eyed , golden haired Angel I saw last night. ( yeah lyrica wink wink). She was so gorgeous I've never felt like this before, I think I'm in love.
I sat there with dreamy look on my face , I probably looked stupid because I was grining like an idiot for what seemed like hours. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ring, I picked it up and answered. "Hey you got ren here." "Ren I just called to see if you're alright." (It's Ren's dad btw) "yeah dad I'm fine." "Good then I'll see you tonight , bye son." "Bye dad." I wondered the house for a bit then I imediatly got bored so I went for another walk. I grabbed my keys and went out. I went to a little shop around the corner of my house and bought a dvd called the cabin in the woods. When I walked up to the cash register  to pay for the film, I was surprised to see who it was. It was Lyrica the girl from last night. "Lyrica? Is that's you?."  "Omg ren hi , how are you?." She asked. "Fine , I didn't know you worked here?." "Yeah i do I just want some independence since my family always treats me like a breakable vase." "Yeah well a job is perfect if you need independence, and money." "Yup so you want to purchase this movie?." She asked. "Yeah how much?." "$10.95." I gave her the money and she gave me the movie. "Hey ren can I give you my number? I think we could be really good friends." She said shyly. "Sure I'll give you mine too." We switched numbers and said goodbye after I got home I plopped on the couch and rested. I can't believe I got her number, SCORE! I'm definetly telling my friends about this tomorrow, but right now I need sleep. I went to my room and let good thoughts send me to sleep.

Well that's ch 3 done I hope your enjoying the story remember comments always welcome, bye my pretties.

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