Chapter 5

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Hey guys it's been an eternity since I last updated I know but I was just extremely busy with school and family and friends plus my sleep schedule been a bit off, any way I'm back and on with the story.

I watched as Lyrica sat next to me my heart started to pound faster and I was really sweaty, but I whispered to her saying..."hey lyrica, I didn't know you were coming here.?" "Hi Ren yeah my dad has a new job so I had to relocate schools and now I'm here". She said with a smile, omg she's just adorable. "Well that's good now you can hang with me more heh". "Hehe yeah it'll be fun". "Hey you two stop talking!". I jumped when I heard mr Owen yell. "Sorry sir it won't happen again". I said and sat up strait, just then lyrica handed me a piece of paper I unfolded it and it read , we'll talk after class. I looked at lyrica and nodded with a smile , she smiled back and returned her attention to the teacher. I tucked the paper into my pocket and looked up the front, a smile creeping up on my lips as l thought about after class.

TBC... well there you go folks ch5 is done hope you enjoyed it and once again I apologise for not updating sooner I will post new chapters when I can and until next time... sayonara from yaoimaster3.

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