Ch 6

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(I'm baaaaack!, ok hope you enjoy this chapter, later).

After class finished I met up with Lyrica and we went to the eating areas, we got our lunches out and started to eat. "So Ren um do you mind if I come over today after school?". I looked at her and got nervous but said. "Sure but why?". She sat closer and said to me. "I need help with my homework and I'm embarrassed that I need help on the first day but, you're the only one that I know. Plus I hate getting told by the teacher that I need to stay behind and work on it while everyone else gets to leave". I nodded as she told me everything and put my hand on her shoulder. " it's alright sometimes I need help too with things and with my help you'll get it done in no time". I smiled at her as she looked at me and chuckled. "Thanks ren you're the best!". She squealed and hugged me, I hugged back and she whispered in my ear. "Chemistry's a jerk". I let go of her and laughed. "Yeah it's tricky but don't worry you'll be just fine with my help". I said and she smiled at me i smiled back then I felt something touch my shoulder. "Hey man, how's it going?". It was Casey. "Good man, hey this is Lyrica, Lyrica , Casey". I said and they shook hands. "So you're Lyrica, ren's told me about you have you just moved here?". Casey said as he sat next to me. "Yeah I did actually my dad had to relocate because of his job and now I'm here". She said as she shrugged her shoulders and tucked some hair behind her ear, god she's gorgeous. "Ah, well nice to finally meet you". He said. "Same here". After the lunch bell went we packed our things up and went inside. The time came when school was finally finished and we all met up to go home, I saw Casey and lyrica waiting for me at the school entrance and went to them. "Hey guys, ready to go?". I said as they both picked up their bags and said. " yep let's go". We walked to my car and got inside, I dropped Casey off at his house and we said our goodbyes. Then lyrica and me went to my house and got inside.

Tbc... ch6 done phew, ok hope it was good and remember to comment if you want me to continue or tell me about how I'm going. That's it for now, until next time... later lovelies.

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