You are in danger-Pt.2

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Your POV:
*2 AM, Amsterdam, Hospital*

Why does this take so long? The doctors said, that it will just take them some minutes.
This is just my fault. We wouldn't be here now, if I didn't order this fucking drink.

"Y/N, come sit down.", Julian's voice makes you snap out of your thoughts.
"Oh god, I can't wait anylonger.", you whine and keep on walking back and forth.
"Be patient, he'll be alright.", Jordy tells you and pushes you down on a chair.
"Relax, it's not your fault.", Julian says softly and puts his hand on your shoulder.

You take a deep breath, trying to sort all thoughts out. You just feel emotionally drained, not only because of Martin, also because of this guy, who wanted to rape you.
Just the imagination of him makes you cringe on the inside.

"Y/N, do you want something to drink?", Jordy asks you.
"Can I just get some water please?"
"Sure, I am gonna get you some.", he says and walks away.

"Do you remember how this happened?", Julian asks after a moment of silence.
"No, that's the problem. I can't remember anything at all. All I know is that I ordered this drink and then everything went black."
"He must have put some knockout drops in your drink. Are you really alright?"
"Yes, first I was dizzy, but now I am fine."
"You really have to be careful. I am so sorry that I lost you in the club. Martijn was fucking pissed."
"It's okay. Let's forget about it.", you say with a smile.

Some moments later you see Jordy coming back again with a bottle of water and a cup of coffee.
"Here for you.", Jordy tells and gives you the bottle.
"Isn't this the doctor?", Julian wonders.
You look around to spot a young doctor approaching you.
"Are you the friends of Martijn Garritsen?", she asks you.
"Yes, we are. How is he doing?", you ask standing up.
"He is fine. We diagnosed a concussion, that's why he should stay here overnight. If you want you can go to him now.", she tells you with a small smile.

Relief starts setting in you. You were terribly worried about him.
"Let's go.", Julian tells and stands up, you and Jordy follow him.
It feels like ages to arrive at his room, the longer you walk the more impatient you become. After a while you finally stand in front of his room.
Jordy opens the door quietly and you get inside.

It's a nice room, not too big, but also not too small. Yellow curtains let the room appear brighter than it actually is.
You walk to the bed and sit down on a chair next to Martin's bed. Your eyes scan him, his eyes are softly closed and his chest is heaving slowly, it seems that he is asleep.
A bandage around his head makes him look so vulnerable, that first you are a little bit scared to touch him, but in the end you take his hand in yours.

Some time passed, Julian, Jordy and you were sitting together in Martin's room, hoping that he would wake up, but he kept on sleeping. After a while Julian and Jordy decided to leave, since it was already 3 in the night.

Gradually your eyelids fall shut every now and then. You cover yourself with a fluffy blanket a nurse brought you and lean your head on Martin's bed. It takes you some time, but after a while your eyes fall shut and you drift off.

Martin's POV:
" me go...stop touching me...", a scared voice echoes in my head.
"Let me go...", the voice begs, obviously close to crying.

I know this voice. This is Y/N.

As I open my eyes everything is blurry for a while.

Fuck, my head hurts so bad. This is even worse than a hangover.

A sob calls my attention back. I turn my head to the side to spot Y/N talking in her sleep. Looking closer at her I see a tear rolling her cheek down. It seems that she has a nightmare.

"Y/N, wake up. It's just a nightmare.", my voice only comes out sounding hoarse.
Trying to wake her up I get a hold of her hand.
"No, let me go.", she cries.
"Y/N, hey. Wake up.", I whisper squeezing her hand. Suddenly she raises her head to look at me. Her teary eyes meet mine, as she sees me she starts crying even more.
"Shhh stop crying. It was just a nightmare.", I say caressing the back of her hand.

"I was so scared.", she sobs.
Seeing her like this breaks my heart, I wish I could have protected her more.
"You don't have to be scared. I am here."
"Did I wake you up?", she sobs wiping her tears away.
"No, it's okay.", I answer smiling.
"How are you?", she wonders taking my hand in hers.
"Somewhat better."
"I was so worried about you.", she tries to say calmly, but I hear her voice cracking in the end.
"It's okay, you don't have to worry. I am fine.", I reassure her.
"Can I do something for you?"
"No, it's okay...but a kiss would surely make me feel better.", I pout, making her chuckle.

I watch her standing up and coming closer to me. I feel her warm hand on my neck, some moments later her soft lips are pressed against mine. Closing my eyes, I enjoy the kiss, it's incredible how she can make me feel better.

Your POV:
After a while you back off a little bit to look at him. His blue grey eyes stare at you, the longer he looks at you the more you can see anger building inside of him.
"What are you thinking about?", you ask him.
"I just feel so bad, that I couldn't protect you from this ass-."
"Stop, it's okay.", you interrupt him.
"You don't have to feel bad, because you saved me. Don't blame yourself, please.", you continue, playing with a strand of his hair.
With one hand you caress his cheek and bend down to kiss his forehead.

Every now and then you can hear the nurses walking around, since dawn has broken.
You muffle in a blanket and sit down in the chair again. In order not to fall asleep, you start talking to Martin about all possible things.

The last few minutes you have been telling Martin a story, that had happened to you some weeks ago, but instead of getting a reply it remains silent.
"Martijn?", you ask and turn your head to look at him. The sight of him forces a smile on your lips. His eyes are closed and his lips are slightly open. He looks too adorable when he is asleep.

"Good night babe.", you whisper and plant a kiss on his cheek.
You try to find the most comfrotable position in the chair and take Martin's hand in yours.
It doesn't take you long and you fall asleep next to him.

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