Pranking Louis

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You and Martin have been a couple for two years. Lately you didn't have the chance to spend a lot of time with Martin, because you just had the final exams at university.
Now you have holidays and can travel with Martin to Hongkong.

After 11 hours of flying you finally have landed in Hongkong. Excitement and happiness rushing through your body you get out of the shuttle to find yourself standing in the middle of many futuristic skyscrapers.
Admiring you stare up at the magnificent buildings, you've already fallen in love with Hongkong.
"Wow, this is so cool here.", you aspirate.
"We can go to the city after we have checked in, what do you think?", Martin asks wrapping his arm around your waist.
"Yes, sure. You have to take pictures of me. I need some for my instagram."
"Yeah sure, but only, if we also take one together."
"Of course, I told you that I need pictures with you from all over the world.", you tell pinching his cheek.
"Hey, can you take my luggage and put it in my room? I want to take pictures of Hongkong when it's still day.", Louis asks.
"Yeah okay.", Martin says and takes Louis' suitcase.
"Thanks bro, see you.", he says and leaves.
"Let's check in.", Martin proposes.

Together with Watse and Aubrey you get in the noble hotel, after some minutes you get the cards for your and Louis' room.
Before examining your room you quickly put Louis' luggage in his room, which is next to yours.
"Okay and now let's check our room out.", Martin says and takes the hotel card.
The red light of the lock turns green, with high expectations you step in the dark room.
Light floods the suite as Martin turns the light on, a breathtaking view of Hongkong's skyline leaves you speechless.
Your room is more of a suit, a king size bed is placed next to the huge window. You already look forward waking up to that view for the next two days.
"Yayyy!", Martin screams as he jumps on the bed. Following him you let yourself fall on the bed.
"Feels so nice.", you exhale staring at the ceiling.
"I know, but let's get ready to explore the city. We can do funny things later here.", Martin whispers and gets closer to you.
A smirk formed on his lips, you mentally tell yourself not to fall in his trap.
"Yeah, but later. I am just going to change my clothes and then we can go.", you respond and stand up. Quickly you take a pair of high waisted pants, a crop top and your new jeans jacket and leave to the bathroom.
"You're mean, why don't you let me watch?", you hear Martin saying huffy.
"Because you're stupid.", you laugh.
You get dressed up as fast as possible and make your way to your bed again.
Martin's standing in front of the mirror, trying to fix his tousled hair.
"What is it?", Martin wonders giving you a confused look.
"It's no-nothing.", you stutter, realizing that you couldn't take your eyes off him.
You've always loved looking at him.
"I know I am hot.", he makes eye contact with you.
"Uh shut up. Come let's go.", you try to stop this conversation.

Quickly you put your shoes on and take your purse, walking to the door. Martin approaches you, giving you a dirty smirk.
"Okay, let's go.", you tell reaching out for his hand. You feel your fingers being intertwined with Martin's as you leave your suite.
Together you walk the silent hallway down, it doesn't take long until you arrive at the fancy reception.
"Where should we go first?", you wonder turning your head to look at Martin.
"I don't know, let's walk the street down. Maybe we will see something interesting."
Hand in hand you walk the crowded street down, Hongkong is a way busier city than Amsterdam. Eventually you latch onto Martin's arm, since you don't want to lose him in the mass of people.
To your surprise you spot Louis in the crowd, walking in your direction.
"Is this Louis?", Martin asks you.
You smile as Louis seems to notice you.

"Hey, what are you doing here?", Louis asks as he reaches you.
"We are just going to see the city a little bit."
"Did you put the suitcase in my room?"
"Yeah, here is your card. The room number is 1208.", Martin says and hands Louis the plastic card.
"But isn't i-", Martin pinches you slightly, stopping you from talking.
Isn't the room number 208? Why is he lying?
"Okay, thanks bro.", he smiles and walks away.

"Why did you tell him the wrong room number?", you ask after a while.
"He pranked me some weeks ago. Revenge is always good.", he grins.
"You're mean.", you chuckle.
"I can't wait to see his stupid face."

Half an hour later you finally find yourself sitting in a running sushi. You two haven't eaten for more than 12 hours, that's why you love sushi even more now.
"I love the ones with salmon, they are so good.", you say randomly, trying to pick up the sushi with the chopsticks.
"You do it wrong. You have to hold the chopsticks like this.", Martin explains holding your hand in order to show you how to eat properly with chopsticks.
"How do you know this?", you ask him.
"Once I was in Japan a guy showed me this. It's much easier when you know how it works."
"True. It's so cool travelling with you. I am happy to have a boyfriend who likes to travel and see new cultures."
"And I am happy to be here with you now. It's so stupid being on the road alone.", he speaks looking in the depth of your eyes.
As your lips are separated only some inches a loud ring disturbs the heavenly moment.
You two look at your phones to see from which one the ring sounds. It's Martin's.

"Ah it's Louis...he wrote in which room am I in?", Martin reads with a smile on his face.
"Poor Louis.", you laugh.
You watch Martin typing on his phone, some seconds later an even brigther smile forms on his lips as he receives an answer.
Grinning he shows you a picture of Louis with the tag of the room number "1208".
Seeing Louis' picture makes you laugh, suddenly you like the idea of pranking him.
"Okay and now write, no Louis I said 208.", you propose.

"No Louis bro, it's 208😂", Martin texts.
"What no way😱 I am on the 11th floor now.", Martin and you burst out laughing.
"You must be deaf, I told you 208."
"I swear you said 1208."
"Sorry not sorry😂"
"You better don't come back🙃👊🏽"

"Okay let's stop pranking him. I feel sorry for him.", you chuckle.
"He deserved it. And it was funny, right?", he laughs.
"Yes it was."
"Anyway, where did we stop?", Martin wonders, locking eye contact with you.
"Oh Martijn.", you smile and get closer to him. You place your hand on Martin's neck at the feeling of your fast heartbeat.
Closing your eyes you feel Martin's soft lips being pressed against yours. It's always a dream to be with him, because he knows what makes you happy. Something in you says that the next days will be special, Hongkong will bring all feelings back.

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