Sunday morning

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Your POV:
*Amsterdam, 8:30 am, Sunday*

It's been a wonderful night, you haven't slept that good in ages. After a long tiring week you are finally able to stay in your bed as long as you want to. This is one of the main reasons, why you love sundays.
All of a sudden chilly air tears you out of your dreams, goose bumps form all over your body. Freezing you open your eyes to see that your warm blanket isn't covering your body anylonger.
Eyeing your surroundings you find your boyfriend Martin sleeping peacefully, your blanket over his body. Trying not to wake him up, you slowly take your blanket and cover yourself again. Closing your eyes you already start going back to the wonderland of dreams as you suddenly feel Martin shifting next to you. Before you can react your blanket is taken away again, your body meeting the cold air for one more time.
"Martijn, give me my blanket back.", you mutter trying to take your blanket from Martin away, silent groans sound in response as you cover yourself with the sheets again. Your eyes fall shut again as the warmth spreads in your body, making you slowly drift off after a while.

A rough shove tears you out of your dreams, instead of gripping the matress you only manage to get a hold of your pillow, as expected your body hits the floor in a painful way, so that a moan escapes your lips.
"Y/N? Oh my god...", Martin breathes looking at you wide eyed.
"Did you just push me off the bed?", you ask irritated and sit yourself up.
"I am so sorry, I didn't even recognize it until I heard that loud sound...", he tries to explain, but a funny laughter interrupts him.
"Hey, this is not funny. This actually hurts.", you counter pissed and throw the pillow in his direction. Instead of hitting him with the pillow he catches it with one hand.
"I am so sorry. I really didn't mean to push you off the bed.", he chuckles and sits down next to you planting a kiss on your forehead.
"And you took my blanket away.", you add, trying to sound huffy.
"I was cold, but I didn't know that I took your blanket away."
"Are you still cold?"
"Now yes.", he smiles, it's obvious that he's cold since he only wears his boxers and sits on the cold floor.
"Let's cuddle a little bit in bed, I'll warm you up.", you smirk and get up, letting yourself fall on the soft shared bed. Martin follows you and slumps on the bed, immediately covering himself with the warm sheets.

A silent sigh sounds in your head as you put your blanket over your and Martin's body.
Closing your eyes you cuddle up to Martin and wrap your arm around his relatively cold body.
"You're so hot.", Martin states and gets even  closer to you, burying his head in your neck.
"Thanks, I know that I am hot.", you smirk running your hand through his messy hair.
Usually it is you who is cold, so you would cuddle with Martin until he warms you up again. His warm hands would hold yours as long as he doesn't feel that you're warm again. Right now you can't really tell, if he's just pretending to be cold in order to be closer to you or if he's telling you the truth.
In the end you don't care, because you love these intimate moments with your boyfriend, which have become rare lately.
Martin's busy life takes a lot of time away, it's depressing, but you know that he loves what he's doing, so you can't be mad at him.
Sometimes it's him you miss so much.

"Are you still cold?", you ask after a moment of silence.
"Mhhh no.", he yawns resting his head on your shoulder.
"Okay so should we get up?", you ask as you hear your stomach growling. The last meal you had was around 7pm the last day.
"Yeah.", he says barely opening his eyes.
Stretching yourself you get up and want to make your way to the bathroom, but a grip around your arm stops you from that action.
"Can't we just stay in bed?", Martin asks you, giving you the custest look possible.
"It's almost ten. Come, get up sleepyhead.", you reply and try to raise him up, instead he pulls you down to lay next to him.
"Martijn, I am hungry. I want breakfast.", you whine and want to get up again, but Martin wraps his arm around you, so that you can't escape his embrace.
"Just five more minutes.", he insists pulling you closer to him. Soft pecks on your skin make goose bumps form on your body, it's one of these most pleasant feelings to you.
"Who is so cuddly, out of nowhere?", you smile and let your hand wander Martin's back up and down.
"Not me.", he groans with his eyes closed.
"I know that it's not you.", you respond sarcastically and plant a kiss on his forehead.

"I missed you.", the words leave Martin's lips after a short pause.
"What do you mean? I mean I am here."
"I know it's weird, but it feels like I haven't seen you a lot the last few weeks."
"Well that's actually true. We haven't spent a lot of time together, but now we can.", you tell as you caress his cheek with your thumb.
"I love you so much.", Martin whispers and pulls you even closer so that you can lean your head on his chest.
You can't help it, but a smile forms on your lips in happiness. Usually Martin wouldn't show you too many emotions, especially those he feels for you. Right now you surprisingly get to know a side you haven't really seen yet, the vulnerable yet caring side of him, probably only a few people know about. You know that he cares about you, but hearing those heart-melting words coming from him makes your heart jump in excitement.
"I love you too.", you tell closing your eyes.
A comfortable silence takes over, you are still lying in Martin's strong arms, that hold you so close, but in a careful way like you are the most valuable thing he's got.
First you wanted to get up, but you feel too good in Martin's arms to leave now.
For a while you just listen to the peaceful sound of his heartbeat, that makes you slowly fall asleep again.
At last it doesn't matter, because this is what sundays are made for.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you had a great week. 😊👍🏼 I didn't really have the time to write a lot, so I spent writing this crappy imagine (I wanted to write a cute one, but I am not really sure, if it's cute at all😂) before Martin was about to play at Ultra. His set was amazing, I am excited to hear the new IDs.🙌🏽 Did you watch his set and did you like it?
Anyway I wish you a nice weekend❤❤

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