New home

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You and Martin have been a couple for seven years, last year you married and some months ago you found out that you are pregnant.
(Let's say you are 26 in this imagine)
When you told Martin the beautiful news he immediately said that he wants to move to a new home, so that your baby can get an own room.

Your POV:
"I am coming.", you say and hurry to the door. Opening it you find your best friend, her husband and their son standing in front of you.
"Auntie Y/N!", Y/Bff's son greets you and rushes to you.
"Hey young man, how are you doing?", you ask kneeling down in front of him and giving him a high five.
"I can't wait to help you carrying all the boxes. When can we start?", he asks excitedly, making you and your best friend smile.
"I guess we can start now and then when we are done you will get a big piece of cake. Is this okay?"
"Wow cake, I love cake. Let's start!", he laughs and runs in the empty flat.
"Bff's/son/N, wait! Oh god sorry, he is so twirly sometimes.", your best friend sighs.
"It's okay, he is a child and I really like him. I hope my child will be like him."
"Uncle Martijn!", Bff/N's son squeaks chuckling.
"Hey big men, are you ready to help us?", you hear Martin asking.
You, your best friend and her husband walk to Martin and Bff's son, who are playing rock-paper-scissors. You watch Martin letting Bff/Son/N win on purpose, making him laugh everytime he wins against Martin.

"Okay, boys let's start or we will never finish this.", you announce and take a box where all the books are.
"Wait, I will carry it. You shouldn't do anything at all.", Martin tells and takes the box.
You just sigh giving him a smile in response.
"Why isn't auntie Y/N allowed to carry boxes? Is she sick?", Bff's son asks worried.
"No no, she is alright, but you know she will get a baby soon. This is why she shouldn't carry heavy things and you will help her.", your best friend explains him, making him look at you surprised.
"But auntie Y/N, where is the baby? Why can't I see it?", he wonders, making you and Martin chuckle.
"Bff/Son/N, see he is not born yet, he is in my belly.", you say placing your hand on your belly.
"Wow in your belly...", he looks at your belly with huge eyes.
"You can feel him moving, give me your hand.", you tell and place his hand on your belly, as he feels your baby moving he chuckles in excitement.

"Okay let's start.", Bff/N says and takes a box. Martin and Bff's husband follow her and take two huge boxes.
"And what can I carry?", Bff/son/N asks.
"Here take this, can you carry this?",Martin asks and gives him a small box, that's not too heavy.
You watch them leaving the living room, since you don't want to be the only one doing nothing you take a box and carry it to the pantechnicon.

*2 hours later*
"So this was the last one. We did it.", Martin says and sits down on the floor in the living room.
"Great, so who wants a piece of cake?", you ask getting a knife.
"Me auntie Y/N, I want a piece of cake.", Bff/son/N squeaks.
"How do you say when you want something to eat?", Bff asks him.
"I want cake, please."
"Okay, here you go.", you say and give him the strawberry cake.
You all sit down on the ground and eat the cake, the perfect snack after carrying hundred of boxes and furniture.

When you are done with eating you all walk to the pantechnicon and finally make your way to your new home, that's in the eastern part of Amsterdam. On the one hand you are a little bit sad to leave this flat, where you and Martin have lived for 4 years, but on the other hand you look forward to moving to your new home.

The ride to your new home takes about half an hour, it's about 3PM when you arrive at the house. Immediately you all start carrying the boxes and furniture in the house.
You and Martin actually already planned where you will place the furniture, this is why you are quickly finished.

You, Y/Bff/N and her son already sit in the kitchen while Martin and Bff's husband are about to get the last cupboard.
"So where should we put this?", you hear Bff's husband asking.
"Let's put it in the living room.", Martin answers.
"No wait, we said we will put it in the kitchen.", you stop them.
"No we said we will place it in the living room.", Martin counters starting to carry it towards the living room.
"No, stop. Why should this be in the living room? This doesn't make sense.", you stop in front of him, not letting them enter the living room.
"And why should it be placed in the kitchen? This is even shittier.", he retorts bugged.
"Oh so my opinion doesn't count?!", you ask pissed.
"Oh yeah of course, everything must fulfill your opinion.", Martin snaps letting the cupboard down on the floor.
"Okay, guys you should decide in peace.", Bff's husband says.
"We already decided, it's the fucking kitchen.", you reply pissed.
"Ugh fuck, how could I marry such a selfish person?!", Martin sighs frustrated running a hand through his hair.
"Oh well, so now I am even selfish.", you laugh.
"Yes you are. You never ask what I want.", he replies.
"You never ask me, I can't even tell what I want.", you counter angrily.
"Oh so now it's me. You know what! Do whatever you want. I don't care!", Martin answers frustrated and starts walking to the exit.

"Mommy, can the baby hear them screaming at each other?", your hear Bff's son wondering.
Instead of getting a reply it remains silent.
You watch Martin stopping at Bff/son/N's words.
"Okay, let's place the cupboard in the kitchen.", you hear Martin saying quietly.
"No, let's put it in the living room.", you tell and approach Martin.
"I am sorry that I yelled at you and that I called you selfish.", Martin whispers and takes your hands in his.
"And I am sorry that I don't let you tell your opinion. Let's put it in the living room.", you tell with a small smile.
"Are you sure?", he asks looking at you, looking at him you can tell that he regrets everything he told you.
"Yes, I am fine with that.", you reply and hug him.

Freshly showered you get out of the bathroom and start making your way to the bedroom.
Instead of finding Martin in your bed it's empty.
"Martijn, where are you?", you call him and leave the bedroom again.
Walking the hallway down your eyes spot Martin in the babyroom. Quietly you make your way to him and stop behind him.
"Why are you not in bed yet?", you ask him and hug him.
"I am looking forward to have a family with you. Y/N, I love you.", he says and turns around to meet your eyes.
"Me too babe.", you smile and peck his lips.
Martin walks behind you and places his hands on your belly, you put your hands on his ones.
"I can't wait to collect moments with you in this house.", he whispers.
"We are already doing so.", you chuckle and close your eyes.

Martin Garrix ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang