chapter 1: this hell

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i woke up to the noise of crumbling houses and hopes. i realized that i had to escape... i had to run from this town i knew it was crumbling because of me...they were looking FOR me. it wasnt long ago that i beat the shit out of a lead demon or something.... he called me a mut. i know in my head I'm technically a killer but worries me most is when they finally catch me. my name is friedriech des blitzes, and i am 6'00" natural speaking german but is fluent in english i have pure blue eyes and white hair, i also have a tail too, i have purple and blue highlights so i try to hide my self by wearing a helmet to keep most of my hair and ears hidden but nothing ever seems to work as for the face mask, i dont think people want to see a man walking around with k9 teeth showing that "HEY THIS GUYS A FULL DEMON" they might as well demonstrate, but this time.. this time is my time. to turn around and fight this out Ive stood through worse, so i turn my back now and face these demons. 

"come on!" i shouted, and i waited for a reply but heard nothing, then i heard the sound of what sounded like foot steps very fast and very...light  "Scheiße(shit), i know they are here but i just cant hear them with this damn head gear on!".i thought as i ripped off my helmet and face mask exposing my 6 inch long white, teal blue and purple hair and my favorite trait of them all my 4 inch long dog ears yes i am a dog demon. I sat patiently waiting for one of them to jump out at me from nowhere and then i heard the faintest jumping sound i turned around and muttered "fine then we can play this game"  just then out of the darkness i see a figure flying towards me, so i turn on my spirit weapons my two wrist gauntlets that spit electricity to the point it is a pure blade, the problem with the gauntlets are is they only work when im deeply pissed or saddened or scared, so my blades spat out immediately and quick enough to catch the demon and pierce his heart  with a fountain of blood to cover me and the ground around me, the blood was partially splattered on my face enough for me to lick some off to get the re freshening taste of metal and salt. "Oh how much i enjoy your guys'  blut, brings me back to old times" then as i finished my sentence another demon was heard so i ripped my giant boomerang and hurled it in the direction i heard the noise from, a few seconds ticked by when i heard a THACK and my boomerang came flying back and i grabbed ahold of it and put it back on my back and turned around to plunge my electricity blade through the last demons chin i held him up and asked "where did you guys come from!" he looked at me and laughed and spat " what would make you think i would tell you! because your also a demon?" i laughed also as blood spat from his mouth, i smiled and said simply "blut und ehre(blood and honor), now were was i" as i just cut his head of like it was nothing. i turnt around and headed back to the town.

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