Chapter 12: Preparations

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I walked into my hotel room and noted the nice sweet scent of homemade tomato soup but the only person to know that tomato soup, doggie treats and scratching behind my ears are the things that I cant keep mad at someone after doing is Ceo but when I walked into the room it wasn’t Ceo cooking but it was Katherine…making my tomato soup…homemade! I ran up and hugged her. She giggled and said softly “Well, Ceo told me about how you love tomato soup, so I thought I would make you a special treat” she was more focused on the food until she heard Ceo shout “Friedriech your bleeding badly!” and truth was I was bleeding and pretty bad at that, Katherine spun around and ran at me, jumped and hugged me, “please lay down friedriech” she said soothingly, “yeah, sure I guess I can” I whispered as I felt a warm liquid roll down my face, “I didn’t think I was bleeding that bad, if any at all” I muttered as Ceo came walking up with a mirror and made it so my reflection was showing and sure enough my hair was now white, red, teal and purple I got awfully worried at the sight of all the blood I was loosing.

                I noted that if the bleeding wouldn’t have stopped I might have passed out or worse, but since I AM a demon I healed up just in time “Alan, did you see what happened?” I asked, he laughed “no I saw a blur and a man go flying into the wall, then the other figures engaged me, I couldn’t go check on you, they were every were” he said sounding up set, I sat up and said blankly “i…really need to wash my hair” then I walked off as I heard max and Alan laughing.

                I stood in the shower thinking “what did he mean, if I kill him we will be killed also?” that question kept buzzing around in my head like a mosquito and it was making me quite upset so I tightened my hand in a fist and punched the shower wall tiles, shattering some and cracking the rest in that area, I heard footsteps running for the bathroom I was in I kept repeating the same words from my mind “Das ist es, Das ist es..” then I heard Katherine “whats wrong?” I shook my head “nothing” I said with a hint of sadness “are you sure?” she pressed, I was sure there was no doubt in my mind, because you know I punched the shower wall, “im ok” sounding a little less depressed “ok, remember the dance is tonight” she giggled as she walked out and just then did I realize something very bad is going to happen…I just know it.

                I jumped out of the shower and got ready for the dance, this is the only time in my entire life I have ever wore a tuxedo, even throughout all of my military training and school, not once did I need to wear a tuxedo. I walked out of my shower fully dressed to see the entire gang looking at me, inspecting me then Ceo nodded and the rest of them did as well I looked at all of them and also realized they all had their weapons, I stood there and then turned to run in my room to grab my boomerang as I grabbed it and slung it on my back I heard a step behind me, I turned around to see Alan in my doorway “hey, I know you’re a little bummed out about what that guy said and other stuff but… know have a good time tonight” he said as he headed back to the group and I followed.

                They all had happy faces on, they all were in couple (including me), they all are planning on having a good time tonight…..they all didn’t know that they all just might end...tonight.

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