Chapter 8: the unholy truth

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I slowly walked to my hotel room, i walked up to my door and kicked it open, my chest pains were back and this time it was as if riona was still there digging her blade into my chest all over again, i fell over holding my chest, i heard foot steps behind me i knew almost instantly it was Ceo and the lady i rolled over to see Ceo staring at me "watch him, im getting help" he said wide-eyed, he ran off to max's room  the lady went to pull off my mask and hood but i shook my head no she listened and moved her hand away from me in time for Ceo and Max to come running down the hall way "Lea, we need some bandages, now" Ceo said, "okay" she shouted as she started to run off, then max lifted me up and took me to my bed were he slowly layed me down, "shit man, did you get in a fight with a damn bear?" he said with a hint of worry in his voice, "was zum teufel meinst du max?(what do you mean max?)" i spat as i looked down and saw a nice small river of my red blood flowing out of a wound where the sword stabbed me in the dream. I slowly started to pass out until Max slapped my face "Was ist los?(whats going on?)" i muttered, "your sleepy arnt you pal" i heard Max laugh "how long was i out?" i asked with only a couple of dogs barking, "at least an hour or two" Ceo said as if he was out of breath, "wait, why are you out of breath Ceo?" i decided to ask, "well you were bleeding like a damn fountain, me and Lea had to run to a store and buy nearly all their bandages" he said seriously and Lea was nodding, i shifted to sit up when max whispered "i understand that your a demon and everything but getting up and recovering this quickly will make Lea question you" i nodded and laid back down "hows my bleeding now?" i said, he looked at me and smiled "very little" Ceo answered for him, i felt oddly rested and i simply fell asleep. I awoke to the sound of a whisper, "hey friedriech, i know your feeling better man, lets go outside we need to train" i rubbed my eyes and looked at him "what time is it?" i asked, "midnight" he said and i laughed and sat up, we headed out side under a street light in the park right behind our hotel rooms, it was warm outside for a hoodie like i had so i took off my hoodie and my under shirt <now my hair, ears and tail were showing>, "ok here, follow me" Ceo said almost laughing under his breath "ceo last time i checked dogs cant climb" i said frankly "yeah, I'm hungry anyways" he said pulling out a banana from his shirt as he started to peel his banana when he said "oh i forgot!" then he pulled out a bag i couldn't tell what the bag because it was sealed  but once he opened it i smelt the smell i love "you sir, are a asshole" i said plainly as he laughed "come on doggie, get the treats" he laughed some more, i grumbled and got ready to jump up i heard "Friedriech! is that you? Friedriech?" i knew that voice though i heard it only once, turned around to see Lea looking at my ears and teeth just then Ceo jumped down and she saw his tail "what the hell is going on here!" she shouted, Ceo jumped, i snatched the bag of treats from Ceo and started to walk to her, she started to clench up, i smiled showing my canines "you see, i am a demon dog" i took a bite of a doggie treat then continued "and you are a demon hunter, this i know, and your guy friend over there is a monkey demon" i finish both the sentence and my treat "i see" she said and slowly went for her sword "dont do it!" Ceo shouted, she unsheathed her broadsword and put it at my neck "Blitz, Blut, und Ehre now" just then 3 of my beautiful hellhounds surrounded her "do it" i said while i smiled but she put her sword away i turned around and started to walk away when i heard a thud and Ceo running for her, i thought maybe one of my hounds got her but all three of them were around me "friedriech, shes out cold, she passed out from shock! help me!"  Ceo shouted i turned around and looked at him, his eyes were pleading me so i walked over and dismissed my hounds then i picked her up and we ran to our hotel.

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