Chapter 2: the new prince

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I headed back to the town with my helmet and face mask back on and when i arrived i was confronted by the head of my long lost clan he looked at me and saw the blood and slapped my face so hard my helmet flew of then he grabbed my long ear and said "i do not understand how you get your self into these troubles, every week we get attacked by these things!" "demons" i interrupted, he slapped me harder and said "i don't care what they are!" he sighed "you have been selected to marry the princess of the shadow clan, this will save our town friedriech, DO NOT MESS THIS UP" i sighed "do i really have to follow through with this sir?" i muttered even though i have had a crush <we can say> for a majority of my life. "of course!" he yelled. i turned around and walked down a dark path still bloody and sore from the battle.

3 hours later i noticed a town or city on the horizon i headed to it as fast as i could, sprinting though the town and up to a guarded door by two men, i barely huffed out the words "it is me friedriech des blitzes....I'm the new prince" they immediately opened the door and i headed inside and found a courtyard of people yelling "welcome!" and "cheers to the new prince" people were drinking and singing, chanting, cheering and the music was somewhat relaxing but some one in the crowd stood out a man who seemed to be looking at me very awkwardly, but just then my fiance grabbed my arm and yelled "jyro!" the tall slender man who was recently eyeing me came over and said tentatively "pleasure to meet you my name is jyro alstream, i am a friend of your fiance" he held out his hand i thought "Ive never done this before...crap" so i grabbed his hand and he shook it, his hand was rough and he held mine hard enough to almost crush my hand. "oh,the pleasure is all mine" i said while my hand was being smashed, i caught him looking at 3 things: my hair and its dye, my ears (its always my ears) the last thing i need is for him to be a demon hunter and him think im the wrong type and try to kill me, and the blood i was partially bathed in. "so how did you meet my fiance?" i asked cautiously, he replied with all seriousness "well, we met when she was  wandering around in the woods when we were kids, she was going to be kidnapped by thugs and held for ransom, but i stepped in and chased the thugs off. this of course was a long time ago when we were children" "the last thing i need is for this guy to tell me anymore stories,its like hes boasting" i thought cautiously "oh, so you are childhood friends? thats so wonderful! honey im going to go get some punch ill be back in a few" i decided to continue my mission and slip out and investigate the town of hammerton.

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