Chapter 108

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I woke up and Andy wasn't next to me and I saw him in the bathroom hovering over the sink. He was in pain and I got up and went over to him and he shook his head.

"I'm fine." He said.

"Andy come back to bed." I said and he shook his head.

"Just give me a second." He said and I wrapped an arm around him to bring him back to the bed and I pulled away from me.

"Jasmine just give me a second." He said raising his voice and I looked at him.

"I don't want to yell at you. I'm trying. Just give me a second." He said and I nodded and he held his side as he walked back to the bed. He laid down and sighed and I stood over him.

"You okay?" I asked and he nodded.

"I didn't mean to yell at you." He said looking up at me grabbing my hand.

"I know." I smiled weakly and leaned down to kiss him as I pushed his hair back.

"Did you take your medicine?" I asked and he shook his head. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed his medicine and walked back over to him and handed him it. He sat up and groaned and I sighed.

"I hate seeing you like this." I said and he nodded.

"I hate being like this." He mumbled before swallowing the pill and I took his water from him when he was done.

"Lay down with me." He said and my phone went off before I could reply and I went over to it to see it was my dad. I sat on the edge of the bed next to Andy and he rubbed my back.

"How's Andy?" My dad asked and I smiled weakly.

"He's in pain." I said and he pulled me down onto him so my head was resting in his lap.

"Doesn't that hurt?" I asked and he chuckled.

"You're laying in my lap not on my lungs." He said as he ran his fingers through my hair and I chuckled. My phone started ringing and I answer it when I saw it was my dad.

"Hello?" I asked.

"How is he?" He asked and I looked up at him.

"He's still Andy." I chuckled and he smiled down at me.

"He's in pain but he just took his medicine." I said and he sighed.

"I'm probably going to come over with Skylar soon, I want to talk to you." He said.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked.

"No, I just want to talk to the both of you. I need advice." He said and I narrowed my head and Andy looked down at me.

"Okay?" I said in a confused but concerned tone.

"I'll see you soon." He said and I said goodbye and hung up.

"What was that about?" He asked.

"My dad wants to talk to us-" I paused and looked up at him.

"You seem like you're better already, are you that high on pain meds." I laughed and he chuckled.

"I'm horny." He said and I rolled my eyes and sat up.

"No lay down." He said.

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