Chapter 2: I'll Protect You

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Chapter 2

Niall's eyes slowly fluttered open, wandering around the unfamiliar room. Everything was the same shade of bright white. The walls, floor, ceiling, bed sheets, even the t-shirt and long cotton pants he was involuntarily dressed in were white. Niall sat up, the soft satin blankets falling to his waist. He noticed there were four other double beds, just like his. He then noticed the four boys occupying each bed. He stood up, wincing when his bare feet made contact with the cold porcelain floor. He made his way over to one of the boys who looked to be around his age. He had, chestnut coloured curls, swept to the side and his eyes were an emerald green. He was dressed in the same attire as Niall.

"Oi, mate, wake up" he whispered softly, nudging the boy. He stirred a little but still didn't awaken from his unconscious state.

"Mate. Wake up" Niall tried a little louder. The boy rolled over and palmed Niall in the face.

"Gemma, why are you up so early?" he whined. Niall giggled and detached the boys hand from his face.

"Who's Gemma?" Niall asked curiously, sitting on the the boy's bed. The boy shot up upon hearing a voice that was definitely not Gemma's. It had an Irish accent to it and it was more cheery than Gemma's ever was. Niall was taken aback by the boy's sudden jolt.

"Who are you?" he spat, sounding ruder than intended. Niall shook off his sudden aggressiveness, keeping a smile plastered on his face.

"The name's Niall Horan," he extended his right hand, implying a handshake. The boy hesitantly took Niall's hand and shook it, noticing how small his hands were compared to his. In fact the boy was quite small, it made him look cute, innocent even. He had dirty blonde hair- but you could tell it was dyed because of the brown roots- which was sticking up in all directions, due to sleep. He also had the most memorizing baby blue eyes.

"Harry, Harry Styles." Harry informed, letting go of Niall's hand.Niall nodded and flashed him a wide smile.

"Um, Harry, where are we?" Niall asked the million dollar question. Harry scaned the room once more, before running a had through his curls and answering,

"I have no bloody idea." Harry heard the muffled rustles of blankets and looked over Niall's shoulder to see another boy awakening on the far most bed. Niall noticed Harry's stare and turned to look. They both watched as a tall boy with short brown hair sat up in his bed. He was wearing the same white garments as the other boys, except his shirt was a little tighter, hugging his toned muscles. He glanced at random spots around the room, until his eyes rested on the two boys seated on Harry's bed. Niall grinned, got up and headed over to the boy, sitting on his bed.

"My names Niall" he stated, Harry now walking over to join him. "This is Harry" Niall informed motioning towards Harry. The boy was taken aback by Niall's enthusiasm but nods slightly.

"Liam Payne. Who are you? Where are we?" Liam asks in a rushed manner. Niall smiles again, whilst Harry was leaning on the wall which the five beds were against.

"Nice to meet you Liam Payne. We don't know where we are." Niall replies, giggling giddily as if they hadn't just woken up in a room filled with five strangers and had no idea where they were.

"We just woke up here, we know as much as you do." Harry added just as one of the two other boys who were still asleep on the other end of the room, began to stir. Niall jumped up from Liam's bed and made his way over to the boy. He was acting like a kid on Christmas and the five boys were his presents.The boy groaned and rubbed his eyes. He had dark, brown, chocolate coloured hair that was styled in a quiff that was deformed from his movements during the time he was unconscious. When he opened them fully he jumped at the shock of a stranger beside his bed. This caused Niall to erupt into fits of giggles, he truly was just like a child.

Secrets of the Dark *Niam Horayne and Larry Stylinson AU*Where stories live. Discover now