Chapter 5: What's Up With Niall?

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Chapter 5

Niall had been acting strange since he got back. He would be fine around the the other inhabitants of the white room, that is except Liam.

Niall had returned covered in cuts, bruises and maybe even a few broken bones. Instinctively the first thing Liam did was take the fragile boy in his arms. However Niall had pulled away from Liam's embrace and instead went straight to check on Zayn. The boy's actions left Liam feeling rejected and slightly jealous that Niall went to Zayn instead of him.

Why was Niall acting this way? What did they do to him? 


Niall was carried through the long hallways, to a room he had never seen before. It was small with the usual white walls and there was a chair beside a wooden table.

The large man carrying Niall, shoved him into the chair. The blonde boy landed with an 'oof' as the large man exited the room, slamming the door behind him. Niall was left alone with the small man who had become accustomed to speaking with the young boy. Niall straightened up in his seat, his face lit with excitement as his eyes wondered the room.

"Niall," The small man spoke, obtaining Niall's attention. "how has your day been?" that was a strange question. Surely the answer was obvious who in their right mind would have a good day in this place.  

However, Niall being Niall, didn't feel that way. He shrugged, "It was fine."

The man took a seat upon the wooden table, folding his arms over his chest. "Really, Niall?" the man asked sounding sceptical. Niall furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, before nodding. The man sighed, unfolding his arms and placing them in his lap.

"How is that, Niall? How are you so happy? Why are you so different?" Niall was becoming more confused by the secound. Each word the man spoke caused his stomach to feel as if it was being tied into knots. Why was he so nervous all of a sudden?

"I don't understand" Niall said, his voice thick with confusion.

"Everyone who comes here, they hate it. They argue and try to get away. Just like your friend Zayn, and the other boy, Harold." The man stood pacing the room as he continued to contemplate. "Nobody is ever happy to be here. Everyone hates it. We try to tell them, they just don't listen. They can never see they are better off here. Their lives were terrible and we saved them, but they are never grateful." the man paused and suddenly stopped his pacing. He looked straight into Niall's eyes. "Except you, Niall. What makes you so different?"

Niall didn't know how to answer. He was different, he knew that. He wasn't like the others. Liam, Zayn, Harry and Louis all hated it here, just like the man had said. Niall didn't know why he liked it here, he just... did.

"I-I-I..." his voice failed him as the man continued to stare into Niall's eyes, as if trying to read him.

"Why do you like it here Niall! You're not supposed to like it here!" the man yelled, his face now mere centimeters from Niall's.

"I don't know." Niall whispered, hoping his lack of volume would cause the man to stop yelling.

The man glared at Niall. His stare was hard and determined. "How can you not know! Why do you like it here!? Why are you so special!?" The man continued to yell in the whimpering boy's face.

Niall covered his ears and shook his head. He tried to imagine he was somewhere else. He imagined he was back in Liam's arms, safe, until he was ripped back to reality.

The man slapped him hard on Niall's left cheek, leaving a harsh red mark. "Answer me, Niall!" Niall whimpered clutching his stinging cheek. Why was this man hurting him? What did he do wrong?

Secrets of the Dark *Niam Horayne and Larry Stylinson AU*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt