Chapter 7: Truth or Dare?

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Hello my lovelies! So I had a really heart-breaking dream last night and I woke up crying so then I went on instagram and looked at pictures of the boys and so I was really happy again but then I saw one that said "but what if in the next interview they are asked who's single and no one raises their hand" and so I got all depressed again ok I'm done now, enjoy the chapter.


Chapter 7

Zayn groaned at the two lads before him, rolling his eyes at the ignorant pair. He, Louis and Harry were currently leaned against one of the walls in their room. Zayn had asked Harry and Louis if they had noticed the tension between their two roommates- Niall and Liam. Zayn was quite expectant of the answer to his inquiries considering the sudden found antagonism between the two boys was plainly obvious. Which was why he was taken aback when both boys had been quite bemused to the mention of any tension between the seemingly fine pair.

In all honesty Louis and Harry had been too wrapped up in each other to notice any change in mood between Niall and Liam- or Zayn for that matter. It was like they had been in their own world since Harry woke up. Just as if they weren't still in an unknown location, living with strangers and occasionally being beaten. Harry's yearn to hear Gemma's voice and to be enclosed in her warmth once again, temporarily forgotten. The torturing image of that horrid blazing fire lighting up his house as if it were a match struck along the rough surface of its box, no longer plaguing Louis' dreams. As long as they were with each other, curled into the other's side the two of them were ok.

Niall and Liam were currently sleeping soundly in their own beds each boy emitting soft snores every once in a while. It was the most sleep they had gotten since being here. Zayn, Harry and Louis were being as careful as they could not to wake them- because, really, it would be an awkward conversation for either boy to hear.

"Mate, what do you want us to do about it? I mean if they're going to suddenly ignore each other there must be a reason, just ask them." Harry reasoned as he leaned his shoulder against the wall watching a pacing Zayn.

"I've already tried, Niall won't tell me," he replied not even turning to look at Harry as he continued to pace a small portion of the room. "he says he's fine, but I know he's not." he added as he turned to face Harry and Louis. "He wasn't like this before. Ever since he got back, he's just been- I don't know- different. He won't even look at Liam and it's obvious he is completely unhappy. He doesn't even smile anymore. Well he does, but it's always forced just so that I don't think something's up. And don't even get me started on Liam-"

Harry cut off Zayn's rambling by placing a hand on his shoulder. Zayn- who had begun pacing again in the midst of his small speech- halted in his place and looked into Harry's emerald green eyes, mixing them with his own brown, pleading eyes.

"I can't take it any more, Harry," Zayn spoke softly. Harry frowned at him and was about to speak when Zayn clapped his hands together, his face suddenly lighting up. Louis flinched a little from behind Zayn and the sudden noise and he was sure that it would have woken Niall and Liam.

"But it's ok 'cause I'm going to fix everything!" Zayn exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear as he looked between Louis and Harry. The said boys shared a look of confusion and worry as to what Zayn could possibly mean by his statement. However neither one of them voiced their concerns before nodding slightly.

Little did they know, Zayn had a plan. And in his opinion it was foolproof.


That night they were sat in the dining hall eating in silence. The past few nights they had been eating like this, in complete silence the only noise being the occasional sound of one of them gulping  down the disgusting water or someone pulling apart their portion of bread.

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