Chapter 3: ZAYNIE!

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Chapter 3

Niall was the first to awake, just like the previous night. Only this time when he opened his eyes he didn't become confused or angry, he only smiled. As strange as it seemed to the other four inhabitants of the unusual white room, Niall was kind of glad he was taken. He hated that orphanage. He hated how the other kids would pick on him, he hated the sympathetic looks he would receive from visitors, he especially hated that no one deemed him worthy of adoption. However he relished this place, especially the four boys he had met. They were so kind to him, unlike many other people Niall had crossed paths with. He also felt a need to protect the lads, he felt as if he would take a bullet for the four, even though they had only met yesterday.

There was one boy however, he felt especially protective over, Liam. After hearing what had happened with his father he became angered and wanted nothing more than to 'rip Liam's father's head off', so to speak. But he couldn't due to current circumstances, so he did the next best thing, he held Liam in his arms and pledged to always protect him.

Niall sat up, looking around for the other boys. They were still sleeping, peacefully wrapped in the satin blankets, on their warm beds. That was another thing Niall liked about this place, the beds were so comforting, they felt as if you were sleeping in the arms of angel. They felt safe.

Niall stood up off his bed, making his way towards Harry's bed. Harry's bed was situated on the left of Niall's, followed by Zayn then Louis, with Liam on the right of Niall. He pulled half the blanket off of Harry, climbing in under it, beside the curly haired lad. He laid his head on Harry's pillow so that their noses were only inches apart, as he started to poke Harry's stomach repetitively.

"Harrrrrrrryyyyy! Waaakkkeee uuuupppp!" Niall whined stretching out each sound, still poking at his stomach. "Don't make me wake Zaynie! He will go ape-shit at you for making me wake him!" Niall threatened teasingly.

"Hmmm, go away, Niall. Let me sleep!" Harry mumbled, rolling over and bringing the pillow to his face. Niall just kept poking his semi-toned abs.

"Nooooooo Harry, get up! You lazy git!" the Irish boy whined. Harry groaned, lifting the pillow from his face and glaring at Niall. Like most things, this just caused Niall to giggle.

"Why are you so keen to get up anyway?" Harry questioned. He was confused as to why someone would even want to get out of bed, much less after they had been kidnapped.

Niall shrugged, "I was bored." he stated nonchalantly. If Niall was being honest, he didn't really know why he was so keen. The thought of sleeping in just didn't appeal to him.

Niall jumped off of Harry's bed to awaken his next victim, Zayn. He tip-toed over to the bradford lad's bed. This time instead of crawling in beside him, he jumped straight on top of the boy, emitting an 'oof' from the larger lad. "Wake up Zaynie!" Niall ordered into Zayn's ear, poking him like he had done with Harry. Zayn rolled over so that Niall was now sitting on his back, ignoring the blond's antics.

"Well if you don't wake up I will..." Niall trailed off trying to think if an effective threat, sticking his tongue out in concentration. "Chop off all your hair!" Niall decided it was a satisfactory threat as Zayn quickly sat up pushing Niall with him, grasping clumps of his hair.

"OK! I'm up, no need to bring the hair into it!" Niall burst into laughter, as Zayn stroked his hair. All the commotion had caused the other sleeping boys to come into consciousness. Liam sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and rubbing the crusty sleep from his eyes. Louis threw a pillow at Niall's head and he immediately stopped laughing.

"Would ya keep it down! Some people actually value sleep y'know!" Louis snapped, being his sassy self. Niall giggled before hoping off of Zayn and onto Louis.

Secrets of the Dark *Niam Horayne and Larry Stylinson AU*Where stories live. Discover now