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A/N: This is my first time writing, don't criticize to harshly please. Hope you like the story, I may update twice a week. If this gets many views, I may write many chapters, if not, then maybe 20 chapters. Enjoy.

(Y/N) pov

Well, just got done working at the bakery and now heading home. Its like a maze travelling through the streets of Ikebukuro. But I felt like people were following me.. maybe I'm just imagining things, but I will take precautions and go zigzaging through streets and alleys anyway. I turned into one alley and realized it was a dead end. I then turned around an saw 3 large men in blue bandanas and other blue apparel standing in my way. Oh shit, the Blue squares! Its a color gang that may be the worst due to violence and gang wars. The guy in the middle blurted out, "How much do you think the boss would pay for this one, eh?" Oh god, these guys want to sell me to human trafficking, just great. I walk backwards slowly trying to keep my distance and find something i can use as a weapon. Ah, a metal pipe over there! I run to it and pick it up, which made all the gang members laugh. The lankier one on the right said in a mocking tone, "Oh a little girl like you can beat us up with that. Oh nooo." I growl and realize I've finally lost my ground and am at the very back of the alley.

Ok make a plan, make a plan... The man in the middle reaches out to grab me and I swing the metal pipe to his arm, making him withdraw his arm and wince. I took my chance and swung down the pipe hard as I could and hit him in the head, and he passed out right away. Wow.. I didn't know I could do that. The man on the left yelled, "You bitch!" And then he tackled me. I had the wind knocked out of me, but my instincts were kicking in full force, I couldnt give up now! I still held onto the pipe, so I pulled his neck down to my chest in a halfway choke hold, (which was slightly embarrassing because my breasts were in his face) then I started bashing his head in with the butt of the bar until blood started pouring out and he stopped struggling. The last man standing pulled me out from under the other guy by my hair and grabbed my throat, choking me. He was so strong, he lifted me in the air with the hand choking me and slammed me into the wall. I was getting so dizzy that I dropped my weapon and last resort. I need to breathe.. suddenly he flicked out a knife and said words I couldnt hear. Oh fuck.. He then stabbed me in the stomach. My eyes were wide open in pain. I'm going to die, I think. I wanted to scream but was paralyzed and breathless. My vision went black and the world stopped moving.

(Izaya) pov

Watching that girl struggle that hard was exciting. Who knew she was that strong? I surely thought she would just let them take her like a damsel in distress, but no, she wanted to fight. Ah, I love humans! But after I saw her get stabbed, I felt some pity. I do hate bullies anyway. I got out my flick blade and smirked, walking in silently to the bully. He didnt have a clue what was coming to him, but I stabbed him in the back of the neck anyway. I doubt he was going to die, but maybe be paralyzed for the rest of his life. After he dropped to the ground, I looked through the contact list in my phone. Ah, old buddy Shinra can help~. Seeing as he is a "black market" doctor, he'd be perfect for the job to help this young lady. After that it wouldn't be my business.

"Hey shinra, can you get this girl who is by toyoko inn in an alley?"
"Whats wrong with the girl?"
"Oh you know, just a stab wound in the stomach."
"Oh jeez, I will try to get there right away!" Then I hung up. Humans can be so weak, but even though this girl is small, she singlehandedly took out two men. This may get interesting. While waiting for Shinra, I started trolling people on the group chat as Kanra and started fake rumors. Well, I did tell the truth about the Blue squares almost killing a girl, but I like causing trouble. As an informative, I might as well see who this girl is. She had (H/L), (H/C) hair, and a casual outfit which was a skirt and red shirt (even more red due to blood). I checked the pocket in her skirt and found her I.D. "(fake name), huh? Age 20, aaand (E/C) eyes. Guess I will look this one up when I get home." Then I noticed something odd about the identity card, its picture was crooked and it wasnt even plastic. It was literally a laminated piece of paper, so of course it was fake. But why? Now this girl is a mystery, and things are getting more interesting. I will find out who you are, (fake name)..

Finally a van pulled up with Shinra and the Headless rider, pushing out a gurney out the back. Looks like they made a makeshift ambulance. They made their way to (fake name) and I just stuck a small stack of yen in Shinra's labcoat pocket; then walked away and disappeared to go to my office. I had business to do. I had to find out who this mystery girl is because now I'm curious. I felt that it was my obliged duty to know almost everyone in Ikebukuro, so this isn't special or nothing. Even so, I could imagine all the possibilities of who this girl can be. Lets just hope she isn't another boring girl.

Once I made it to the office, I immediately went to my computer for research. Namie was just organizing on my desk until she asked boredly, "Anything interesting happen today, Izaya?"
"Ah, yes. Met a new human today whom is almost dead. She had a fake Identity though, and..." I stopped talking because of what information I found about (fake name). From what I see, she works in a bakery and has no family. Both parents apparently died because of the Yakuza when she was 15. How "sad", I thought sarcastically. Otherwise there is no other information I could find on the internet database. I figure all of this could be fake information due to her secret identity, so I need to find out in person. In the meanwhile, I will watch the news. "..in an alleyway in Ikebukuro lied 3 members of the Blue squares, 2 of them being hospitalized and the other in jail. No one in the area was a witness to whatever happened here, but we know someone attacked them. Could this have been another gang fight? That is possible seeing as the Yellow scarves.." I turned off the tv and laughed at the false story. This ought to stir up some gangs, all thanks to her. Suddenly I got a phone call from Shinra.

"Hey Izaya, the girl is in stable condition and is all stitched up but still unconscious. Celty and I will keep her here for the night."
"Ok good, call me when she becomes conscious. I have some questions to ask."
"Can do. Have a good day!" I hung up and smirked. She better have some answers, because I'm sure she will be fun to toy with. Now, time to attend to other business..

A/N: If you like it so far, please subscribe and star it ^_^ Thanks for reading.

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