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(Izaya) pov

While (name) was at work, I had some business with Nebula. They didn't quite tell me what the visit was about, but it must be serious. I waited in a bright fluorescent lighted room that looked like an interrogation room. Finally, a female with a lab coat and red hair walked in with a clip board. We shook hands and sat down on opposite sides of the table. "Nebula knows you have the specimen, mr. Orihara. We'd like for you to bring her here in two weeks." Is she talking about the Dullahan head?.. "What specimen?" "(First and last name)" "What do you mean (name) is a specimen? She's normal.." The scientist looked at me seriously and said "Her father used to work as a secret Nebula agent inside of Yagiri Pharmaceuticals. (Name's) memory was wiped, but she was experimented on with mutant drugs. Her power hasn't awakened yet because she is still too weak." I sat there frozen. (Name) is a mutant? "What does Nebula want with her?!" The scientist still had a monotone expression on her face. "We want to make sure she doesn't fall into the wrong hands. After all, you can imagine what the Yakuza would do with her. Nebula can give her a push to unleash her powers, and the rest is up to her. We'll immediately release her after its complete." I nodded fully knowing what was happening. I had to sell (name) out whether I like it or not. I knew she was special, but a mutant? I signed the contract agreeing I would do it then left immediately. Two weeks..

I walked to (name's) bakery and watched her from the window. I couldn't see too much from the glaring sun on the window, but it looked like she was helping a blonde customer. Ugh, is he flirting with her? That pisses me off. I stomp inside the bakery to see (name) and Shizu-chan staring at me. What the hell.. (name) exclaimed behind the counter "Hey Izaya-kun! Want a bagel?" All I was paying attention was Shizu-chan death glaring at me. The tension was high, and all Shizuo could say was "Wait, didn't I see you two on a date the other day?.." I nodded slowly and (name) took off her apron. Imaginary hay bales rolled through through the imaginary wind. Shizuo picked up his bread and milk and walked out silently. (Name) sighed and hopped over the counter. "I'm done for today. Oh yeah, what are you doing here?" I scratched my head and said "I was going to surprise you, but I saw you were dealing with a monster." She giggled and playfully punched my arm. She looked rather happy today. I fake smiled because I was still thinking about the Nebula deal. She's going to hate me like everyone else and won't forgive me. That "push" Nebula was going to give (name) would possibly break her, knowing what experiments they do. It's a shame, she's only my toy for two weeks. I might as well make our time count then.

4 days later (y/n) pov

So far living with Izaya has actually been kind of nice. I didn't feel lonely and I just felt comfortable around him. He took me out on dates and we had fun all the time when we didn't have work to do. I might be the only one that thinks so in Ikebukuro, but his personality is perfect. I never felt like I've had a friend like this, well maybe a bit more than a friend.. Wait what am I thinking? Ah I dunno, for some reason I just let my emotions more loose because we know almost everything about each other. Yes, I know he does like me, but maybe I need more time to figure things out. I kind of like him in some ways, like he's attractive, and he's similar to me, but he plays weird games. He tries to find ways to scare me and find weaknesses, but I wouldn't let him find them. Of course I played him at his own game, try to make him flustered whenever possible, and make him feel guilty. To be honest we were both being devious to each other, both hungry for reactions and information. For some reason, he could always make my heart do somersaults and make me feel sick from emotion. He was just my unicorn from all the normal horses.

Anyways, back to reality. I just finished a late night shift in the bakery and was heading home. The streets of Ikebukuro were almost empty and disturbingly quiet. So strange. Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me getting closer. I quickly turned around and saw a lady with long brown hair and glowing red eyes. Then I felt a stinging pain in my arm. Apparently she cut me with a butcher knife. Just as I was about to fight back, my body froze and voices in my head were screaming. "LOVE, LOVE, WHO DO YOU LOVE? GO LOVE SOMEONE, ANYONE! GO LOVE IZAYA, YOU LOVE HIM, CUT HIM! CUT HIM WITH LOVE! LOVE HIM NOW, LOVE HIM!" The voices were on repeat and I couldn't control my body. I held my flick blade Izaya gave me and walked home all zombie like. Once I got inside, Izaya stared at me with fear almost. My voice just left my lips without my permission "Izayaaa.. I fucking love you. Please let me cut you to show my love~." Izaya smirked and said "Seems Saika has you under control, (name)-chan. I appreciate your feelings but can't let you cut me." My body lunged at Izaya with the knife, but he slapped the knife out of my hand and pinned me to the ground. With Saika in my body, I was weaker than usual. Izaya was holding me down with his hands around my wrists and his face was close to my mine. "Its time for you to go to sleep, (name)." He released one wrist and got a needle out of his pocket and swiftly injected it into my neck. In a few seconds my vision went to black.

(Izaya) pov

It actually was my fault this happened. I hired the slasher to cut (name) just to see if she loved anyone, which it worked. So she has fallen in love with me already~. I was quite pleased with myself too. I finally got another human to love me. I know it was a rather forceful way of getting her to admit, but I wasn't letting her waste the rest of our two weeks. I was impatient as ever. (Name) woke up a few hours later on the couch with normal eyes and no more Saika spell. Then she checked the scratch on her arm and became red in the face. "Oh god that was real?.." I sat right next to her on the couch and laughed. "Yes it was. So you love me?" I said while turning her face to me by her chin. She looked into my eyes embarrassed and was blushing deeply.
"I.. I-" I interrupted her by smashing my lips into hers and slipping my tongue in. She made an alarmed whimper but finally gave in. Our tongues were fighting fiercely for a good 3 minutes before she pulled away. There was a look of fear in her eyes which was so cute. "Why did you stop? I thought we were having fun (name)-chan~. Ne, why fight it if you love me?" "But we're not even dating yet.." "Ok, do you want to date me then?" She looked at the ground. "I, uh, yes. I think so. This is just all so sudden and all.." "(name), why waste any more time? Our worlds can end at any moment and we could be missing out on something special." She stood up with an angry look and said "The world can wait another fucking day! All you want is to have sex and I'm not about it right now so good bye." Then she stomped off into her room. I sighed deeply and went to my room too. Stubborn girl..

(Y/n) pov

I cant even believe that happened, like what a crazy day. My feelings got forced out of my by some psycho hypnotist for one. And two, Izaya is an idiot.. Doesn't he freaking get when a girl isn't ready? I'm not trying to give up my virginity to someone that I literally met a week ago. I guess technically we are dating now though.. I blushed at the thought and buried my face in my hands. It won't be so bad, right? Man I'm so awake right now and its 1 am. I put on my sleeping clothes on anyway, which were short shorts and a black tank top. I peeked outside to make sure Izaya wasn't there, then made a cup of tea in the kitchen. It was peaceful drinking the tea without him complaining that I use too much sugar or that coffee was better. I browsed my phone for articles about "the Orphaner" to humor myself until I got sleepy. When I walked in my room, I saw that there was a big spider on my bed. Oh hell no.. Yes, I may be a serial killer but spiders are terrifying. I grabbed my headphones and eyemask from the dresser. I'm going to ask Izaya to kill it I guess. I walked in his room and turned on the light. He woke up and rubbed his eyes grumpily. "What could you want at 2:30 am?" "There's a, um, spider in my bed." He took the covers off of him revealing he was wearing pajama pants and no shirt. He definitely had a nice toned body.. "I'm not moving from this bed, so you can kill it or sleep with me." I groaned and slipped in the covers with him, but kept my back turned to him. I put on headphones and eyemask then rolled onto my back to be more comfortable. I felt his warmth beside me which was actually comforting. Before I knew it I was sleeping.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, came up with it in like an hour. Hope you guys still enjoy the story, if you do vote and put it in your library! Thank you for reading ^~^

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