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A/N: Omigosh! 120+ reads already, so hype! Also, sorry for the delayed chapter. Pokemon Go is why it took me forever..

(Izaya) pov

Oh wow, ok. Here I am getting sleep deprived and watching (name) roll all over the bed in her sleep. Why? Why must she move in her sleep? I should have just killed the damn spider. I finally went to sleep at 4 am and slept until 7 am. When I woke up, (name) had her arms and legs wrapped around my body and her head laid on my chest. So I guess she decided to stop moving around and started snuggling with me.. That's actually kind of cute. I poked her cheek three times and smirked. She pulled off her eye mask and her face immediately went red. Then she somewhat jumped backwards and fell off the bed. "Oh shit- ow!" I looked at her and she was rubbing her face while laying on her back. I laughed loudly while she continued rolling her way out of my room. She is very humorous when she's embarrassed apparently. I got out of the bed and got dressed in my usual clothes. When I walked out, (name) was still in her pajamas while cooking breakfast. She looked at me weirdly and asked "Oh, you're dressed already?" I smirked and said "Yes. Why, do you still want to see me shirtless (name)-chan?~" Her face was pink until she gave the death glare. Then she continued cooking in silence. Then I sat at the table and talked some more. "You misunderstood what I said yesterday, (name). I didn't want to have sex with you at that moment, just wanted to kiss you. But I learned a lot from your reaction. You're not a whore, and you've never even had sex. I'm quite relieved at that actually. Anyway, what I was trying to say was that I love you too." She turned around slowly and looked as if she was about to cry. Then I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. She held me also and buried her face in my chest.

"I'll be your deciple, Izaya-kun.." I laughed, getting our little reference about me being a god. "I thought you were the goddess of Autumn, 'Akibimi'~." She looked up at me laughing with tears on her face. I wiped away her tears and kissed her forehead. "Shit, I have work Izaya." I grudgingly released her and took care of the food that was burning. She rushed around getting dressed, brushed her teeth, then her hair. After she was ready, I walked with her to the train station like usual. It was a fairly normal day so far. Anyway, let me recap what happened 3 days ago. Day 1: I reintroduced (name) to Celty and Shinra because they wondered if we killed each other that day everyone met in the beginning. For some reason Shinra invited Dotachin's gang, the high shoolers Mikado, Masaomi, Anri, and my damn sisters for hot pot too. Luckily he didn't invite Shizuo. At first it was awkward because of me and (name) being there, then Masaomi started talking with (name) because they were acquainted already. Not surprisingly, everyone seemed to warm up to her pretty quickly. Then my sisters were being annoying and teasing us for living with each other, which Erika definitely joined in on. It almost felt like I had friends, then I remembered that they knew what kind of person I am. Well, at least Shinra is sort of my friend.

Day 2: That day, I had a job to spy on someone in the Yakuza that was supposedly a traitor. I had to go to some fancy museum with famous people making speeches dealing with "Ikebukuro's future". To make me look less suspicious, I wore a formal suit and brought (name) with me as a date. She wore an elegant red dress, had her hair in a fancy bun, black high heels, and dangling diamond earings. I gave her the job of stealing the guy's phone while I distract him by a random conversation. She "accidentally" bumped into him while we talking and slipped his phone out his pocket without him noticing. She used her charm and got me out of the conversation saying we had to go somewhere. We chilled in the ladies bathroom while she broke into his phone and got into some confidential messages. I snapped pictures of them and texted them to the Awakusu. Later we thought we might as well enjoy the event, it'd seem suspicious if we left so abruptly anyway. (Name) returned the phone, then stole a bottle of champagne. We sat at a table alone with each other and got drunk together which was hilarious. She mocked how rich people acted and told off any fancy boy that tried to flirt with her. Then we went on a drunk mission to touch everything in the museum we weren't supposed to as a game then of course got kicked out. After that, we walked around in the streets of Ikebukuro while she made me hold her high heels to walk barefoot, and she held another champagne bottle. We were so drunk, so we ended sleeping on of a rooftop of a tall building in Ikebukuro. We laughed really hard when we woke up because we both didn't remember how we got there.

Day 3: (Name) had a slight cold this day, so we stayed home doing random stuff. She slept for a while in my bed because mine was much more comfortable, and I attempted making her food. I made miso soup and rice with lots of veggies. When she woke up, she ate all the food pretty fast and got bored. I told her she couldn't go anywhere because she was sick, so I brought out my video games. Yes, I am a closet nerd when it comes to this stuff. Apparently she was too because she kicked my ass in the games. She told me the reason why she was good is because her brother raised her to play with him all the time. "So what was your brother like?" "God, he was such a fuckin' nerd. When he wasn't obsessing with his school work and making straight A's, he played video games with me all the time. Otherwise he forced me to watch anime with him. He wore glasses but also looked a lot like me. Same eyes and hair type, he was also short as me. The funny thing is that he was 6 years older than me. Whenever our dad would beat us, he always took up for me and tried to take my punishment. Of course I never let him because I wasn't going to be weak, and he didn't deserve it. For some reason, I can't remember my life when I was 13 and below. I don't know why I can't remember, like everyone else can remember things from when they were 5, so it feels like I'm missing a huge chunk of my life." (Name) looked sort of depressed, or she looked like that because she was sick. "That's strange.." that was all I could say because I knew why she couldn't remember: Nebula. "It was my fault my brother died. If I killed them sooner he would be alive. I was too weak.." I put my hand on her shoulder and said "Don't say that, there's no reason to dwell on the past. You can't change anything now so there's no point of thinking about it. Put it this way, if your brother didn't die, you two may have been abused for much longer and would be different people. You might have never killed your parents, become suicidal maybe or been killed, be completely useless, wouldn't have saved all those kids, and wouldn't have met me. Just think of his death as an awakening to your future." She nodded and continued playing the video game. Later I bought us snacks from a convenience store, then we watched anime until we fell asleep in my bedroom. And of course she woke up acting all Tsundere.

Now back to present time, (name) pov

It was a long day at the bakery like usual. Shizuo was there the exact same time like always too. Now he started chatting with me about what my business was with the 'flea'. I told him we were actually dating now, and Shizuo seemed a bit mad while telling me Izaya was a stupid dangerous person. Considering it being 3 months working here, Shizuo sort of became my friend since he came here every day and gossiped about his life with me. Of course I wasn't going to tell Izaya that though. "That's exactly how Izaya warned me about you, saying "Shizu-chan is a monster" and all that." Then we started giggling together. For some reason, Shizuo cut our conversation short with an excuse to go somewhere. He just looked uncomfortable and mad today. I wonder why.. After work was done, Izaya came to go home with me like usual. All we could talk about was rumors we heard about the gangs today on the train ride home. He also filled me in on who was who in the chat he has which was pretty funny to me. Everyone just doesn't act the way they are in the internet like they do in real life. Izaya is also getting me to help spread false or real rumors as Akibimi in the chat or the dollars. We also made a plan to start a war together so we can go to Valhalla together. Sounds "romantic".

As the days went by, Izaya has been getting weirder. By weird, I mean getting more quiet and anxious looking. I asked him about it a lot, but he just brushes the question off and makes excuses. He's also been a bit grumpy because of the Awakusu overworking him apparently. Otherwise we became a typical couple. Maybe typical isn't the right word.. Whenever we went on dates, we played silly games that would involve doing troublesome things that were either illegal or embarrassing. Then there were times I would help him with his job in case he had too much work. It was very simple for me to do because I'm a stealthy assassin and all. Its just embarrassing that I had to do the work of a stalker most of the times.. In my real job as "the Orphaner", things were smooth as usual. I've only killed for 26 children in Ikebukuro so far, and I am on the news all the time. Its absolutely ridiculous how rich I am, kids giving half their family's money for the job. I might as well be the richest person in Japan maybe. Why don't I just quit and live a peaceful life with everything I could ever want? Because the crazy complicated life I have now is perfect. I'm glad at where fate has brought me. And to think this all started because I got stabbed by some thugs and some informant was casually watching. I'm happy I chose to stay and not run away this time. For once in my life, there is someone that loves me, and I'm happy..

A/N: I hope you guys have been enjoying the story so far! If you have, star it and put it in your library :D

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