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(Y/N) pov

Ok, I've been up literally for hoursss looking for information on Izaya, and you know where that led me? Breaking into his office at 3 am., of course. I went there dressed in a red hoodie skinny jeans. I also brought my mini computer for easy on-the-go hacking too. So I hacked into his security system so no alarms would go off, and I was basically set for the night. I lock picked the door, and shazam, I'm in. This place looked like a pretty chill library. There were lots of books, a coffee table with a weird game board and cards on it, and a fancy desk with the master computer on it. What would his password be, though? Fuck it, I'll just let this mini computer do the job. While I let the mini pc do the job of sharing his files to me, I snooped around the place. I looked at the books he probably didn't read on the closest bookshelf. There's seriously no way a guy like him could read that many. As I looked at the titles, something shiny caught my eye. Is there something behind the books..? I pulled out the books, and what I saw amazed me. He had a Dullahan head too?

I don't know how long I stared at the head, but something slammed into my head, but not at the right angle where I would pass out. Oh shit its Izaya! He didn't see my face because my hood was covering me. I ran to snatch the mini pc and get out, but he was in my way of the door. Then he saw my face.. "(Fake name)-chan? It's rather rude to snoop through someones personal business, you know?" I smiled and said, "Shut up, hypocrite in pajamas." I could easily kill this man, but something told me that it wasn't happening tonight. He kind of looked intimidating with an insane look in his eyes and an evil smirk. I don't know why or how I let him corner me at this wall. I had to get out of this somehow.

"So Izaya, got yourself a Dullahan head?" His face went blank for just a moment. "How did you know what it was?"
"Because I too have one myself. There's actually multiple heads. So I will be at Valhalla."
"I guess we have something in common, (fake name). But how is a girl like you going to start a war?"
"I've got my ways like you got yours, so back off. Shouldn't we be saving this kind of talk for our "date"?" Izaya laughs at that.
"Fine, but you won't be leaving here with that computer. I have secrets just like you." I doubt that, I think to myself. I put on my most charming smile then snap the computer in half with my knee and drop it to the floor. "Bye bye, Kanra~" I said while slightly brushing against his arm when I walked out. What he didn't know is that I had a usb drive that stored the stuff from the mini computer. I felt so badass.

(Izaya) pov

Two can play at that game, (fake name). I've got to hand it to her, I wouldn't have imagined she would do this! I'm learning a new thing from her every few hours, its amazing. The way she was calm and collected was surprising. Who would have thought she would be stalking me? I also wonder if she was serious about there being more Dullahan heads.. Me and her might just be very alike, but yet, very different. And she can hack? Impressive. What reason would she need to require hacking, though? I knew her being in a bakery was just a day job. Too bad we didn't plan where we were going to eat, I guess I will pick her up at her place and figure out from there. I really should get back to sleep. I have a client to deal with soon. Even though they're probably less interesting than (fake name), it's still my job. Some stalker wanted information about the girl he "loved", and was willing to pay highly for it. Oh well. I picked up the pieces of the computer she left and threw it away. Maybe I should buy her a new one to keep me on her good side. I laughed at that thought and walked out the door to go home. As I'm walking down the street, I see that stupid man in a bartender suit. Ugh, Shizu-chan. I'm far too tired to deal with him right now, so I'll go through alleyways to avoid him. Ah, I love how the sky is black with no stars out. It was peaceful and tranquil. Even some gangs were out this late at night doing god knows what. Nothing in the world could bother me right now, so I skipped the rest of the way home and went straight to bed.

My Deciple (Izaya x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant