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(Y/N) pov

I finally woke up from my deep sleep. God, what even happened? I feel so disoriented and weak, lets add confused too, because where the hell am I? I'm in some random bed and light is shining from the window. Suddenly a man in a lab coat and glasses came in cheerfully carrying a whole bed-in-breakfast type of deal, and sat it on my lap. "Who are you? Please dont tell me you're going to experiment with me and make me Frankenstein.." I asked. The man started laughing like crazy and replied, "Why of course! I'd disect you then put you back together and-" A female with a black skintight suit and a yellow cat bike helmet came in and punched him in the stomach. She typed rapidly on her phone then shoved it in my face. It read: "Don't mind him.. I'm Celty, and he's Shinra. You're in a safe place. But do you remember what happened before you passed out?" I thought about it and my memories finally flooded my brain. I frantically lifted up my shirt to see if the wound was there, and it was.. "Oh god.." I said out loud. Wow, guess that actually happened.

I then asked, "What happened after I passed out? What happed to the guy that stabbed me?!" Shinra sighed then said, "Well, a guy named Izaya found you and called us. I assume he kicked those guys asses because they were all knocked out cold. Two were hospitalized and the other in jail. Anyway, I fixed you up, and thats about it." I pondered about it and laughed. "Actually I knocked out two of them. Didn't know one of them had a knife.. I thought I was done for. But thanks for helping me though.." I only did a slight head bow because I could hardly move. Shinra had a look of realization on his face. "Oh, I remember Izaya said to call him when you were awake. I'll be right back." Izaya.. Where have I heard that before? Waiiit, Izaya the info broker?! That thought screamed in my head while the two left my room. This has to be bad, I heard that man is dangerous and pure evil. Why do I have to have such bad luck? Well, I might as well eat this meal to bring back my energy.

Literally 10 minutes later, a man in a black fur-trimmed coat walks in with a devilish smirk. That must be the "legendary" Izaya, haha.. "Hello (fake name), it's nice to see you alive and awake. My name is Orihara Izaya, and I'd like to ask you a few questions, seeing as I did save your life. If you wouldn't mind, that would be great."
"Oh, um, sure. Ask away."
"What is your name?" Oh man, why is he asking that? Does he know?...
"Well you already said my name, its just (fake name), haha.." He sat in a chair that was to the right of my bed and looked into my eyes.
"I know that's not your real name and that all of your known identity is fake. Now what is your name?"
"I believe I'm smart enough to know that I shouldn't tell someone like you my business so-" Suddenly Izaya pulls out a knife and glares.
"If you were smart, you'd tell me before I cut out those stitches."
"How cute? I've dealt with way more slimier threats than that sweetheart. So you,.." I start ripping the covers off of me and throw them at Izaya and yell, "Just gotta try harder!" I take my chance and run out of the room. Celty and Shinra stare at me looking confused. I don't care if I'm in pajamas and barefoot, but I gotta go. I exit their living area and get in the elavator. I see Izaya almost catching up to me but the door finally closes and takes me down. I run outside into the street and realize, hey, I actually know this area! It's so close to the apartment I live in. I run all the way home hoping that he would have lost me, but that was not the case.

(Izaya) pov

Wow, this woman is more of a pain in the ass than I've hoped for. If she doesn't want me finding out who she is that bad, then somethings up. What dark secrets could she be hiding? I love humans so much~! Some act so different than others. The thing she didn't know is that she lead me to her home. How careless. She just locked herself in. Should I knock, or sneak in? I might be nice this one time. I knocked on her door and she looked through the peephole. "Get the hell away, Izaya! I'll call the cops!"
"Is that the way you thank your saviour? I wasn't actually going to hurt you, just wanted to see how you'd react is all, (fake name)-chan~."
"Thanks, but why do you need to know me so bad? It's seriously none of your business."
"Oh, but you may be interesting, so lets play a game. How about we go to dinner together tomorrow and get to know each other?"
"Ugh, if you leave me alone after that, then fine. But I at least need another day to heal from this wound.."
"Okay, well I will see you in two days. Goodbye, (fake name)-chan~." So after that I skipped away merrily to my office. I created a new file just for her on my computer even though there wasn't much information. Yet. So far I know she can sort of handle herself, stubborn, has an attitude but tries to stay cool, but definitely hiding something big. I hope to find out more on our "date" on Saturday. Namie pointed at my coat and I looked down. Huh, a feather? It was probably from (fake name) throwing blanket on me. I stuffed it in a drawer so I can keep it as humorous "memorabilia". I got bored, so I went on my usual message board as Kanra.

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