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(Izaya) pov

Well, today is the "date". We didn't even have a chance to make plans of where we're going to, but I guess we'll find out soon enough. I brushed my teeth, put on cologne, then headed her way. This gave Namie a day off, which of course she'd be spending stalking her brother Seiji and his lover Mika. After the train ride from Shinjuku, I was in Ikebukuro. Walking through the streets of Ikebukuro, I felt like nothing could stop me. I felt like the god I was, and it was great. I quickly made it to (fake name's) apartment with no trouble. I gave a few knocks on her door and waited for a minute. Whats taking her so long? I knocked again and was greeted by yelling from the inside, "Dude hold on, I'm almost ready! Fuck." Three more minutes went by and she finally opened the door. She had a nice dress on that showed she had a nice womanly figure, a red purse, and her hair was styled (curly or straight) with blood-red lipstick. She was as tall as me due to her heels too. I smiled and said, "Ah, you look stunning (fake name)-chan~." She gave out an awkward laugh and asked, "Uh, did I go overkill? I can change-" "No no, its perfect. Any particular places you'd like to go?" She scratched her head and replied "I've heard about this one sushi place called 'Russia Sushi', maybe we could try that out?" "Of course. Shall we?" I said while extending my hand to her. She hesitated but grabbed it without a word. While we walked to Russia Sushi, some people looked at us and were murmuring stuff like "Woah, Izaya has a girl?" "She must be crazy!" "He must be forcing her." I could tell that (fake name) was slightly uncomfortable even though she was silent. Her hand was cold as ice, but her cheeks held a blush. Once we were just outside of Russia Sushi, I was approached by a frowning Simon. He spoke to me in Russian and said, "Izaya, if you come here to make touble, something terrible can happen." I smirked and said in Russian too "Don't worry, just business affairs." Suddenly (fake name) laughed and also spoke in Russian, "I know what you are saying, I can hear you~." What!? She also speaks Russian? Simon looked flustered then put on his usual happy face. "Ah, welcome to Russia Sushi! I'll have you a seat." Simon said while leading us inside the restaurant.

We sat by a window in the corner and ordered tea. She seemed distracted and looked all around the room. "Whats wong, (fake name)-chan? Something the matter?" She shook her head then got a serious look on her face. "Ok, Izaya. I guess its time for a bit of Q and A. Ask anything but my name and I may or may not give you the truth." Getting straight to the point I see.. I thought about my first question. "When did you move to Ikebukuro?" "Three months ago. I came because of a job opening at a bakery, and now I'm one of the main cooks. Next." Total confidence. "Ok then~. Hm, what happened to your family?"  "T-they got murdered by the Yakuza.." She had a weird look on her face which I assumed she was lying. "Why would the the Yakuza want to kill an innocent family?"  "I don't know why, I was 15! You don't know how terrible it was to grow up with your family dead. I loved them so much." I'll admit, she is a good actor. But why would she lie about her parents deaths? Must be something big she's hiding, like maybe she got them killed so she would get their money? I'll figure out later.  "How did you get a Dullahan head,(fake name)?" She had a devilish grin and admitted, "I went to America and found a headless woman walking in a forest. I knew what she was, so I quickly tricked her and stole the head. From what I've found out, there seems to be Dullahans in many countries. I didn't figure someone like you would have the same objective as me, though." She gave off a small smirk.
"Also, how many languages do you know?" "Japanese, Russian, English, and Italian."
"Impressive. Why would you need to know those languages though? I doubt a bakery cook needs to use them." For some reason, she stopped looking at me and was peeking over my shoulder. "Izaya, don't look, but someone really angry is looking at you.." Oh my god, can I go anywhere without seeing that monster? "The dreadlock guy pulled him outside, pretty sure he's gone." I sighed in relief. "If he looked like a bartender, then thats Shizu-chan. Happens to be the only human I hate."(fake name) laughed and said "So thats the guy you framed? He comes into my work all the time." Wait what? She knows about that? Must have done some research. Nevertheless she looked annoyingly pleased with herself. "Seems you know then. Anways, don't trust that monster." "Why, because he's dangerous and immensely strong? I can handle myself, sweetheart." (Fake name) said with a wink.

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