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(Y/N) pov

I woke up rather groggily in a foreign bed again. Where could I be this time? Wait, Izaya drugged me, so I guess I'm at his place. I'm still in my dress, so I assume nothing odd happened. There seemed to be no weapons in the room, so I stepped out with clenched fists. I wanted to smash his pretty face in. Can't believe how dumb I was to trust him.. stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid! Anyway, seemed like no one was home. There was a note on the dinner table saying: "Going out for an hour or two, dont leave. Pancakes are in the fridge. Love, Izaya~" I said the "love, Izaya" part out loud while mimicking his stupidly hot voice. Wait, did I say hot? Nopeee. Instead of eating said pancakes, I snooped through his place. It was surprisingly fancy and neat for a guy. A bedroom, guestroom, bathroom, large living room attached to the kitchen, and a small office area. There was nothing too interesting or suspicious anywhere, so I gave up on looking for whatever I was trying to find. Oh thats right, where the hell is my phone?! I searched once more in the office and bedroom frantically. Alas there was nothing, and it seemed Izaya was watching me the whole time while I looked in his drawers. "Its rude to snoop through someones personal belongings, ne (real name)-chan?" I turned around quickly and realized he said my real name. My heart was racing in panic and he dangled my phone infront of me. "I went to your place and found out some things while picking up your stuff to bring here. Seems like someone has a rather busy life, right, "Orphaner"? Now I won't judge you, it seems like you would have an absolute splendid reason. After all, you seem to know all about me too, so its like we're even now, huh?" He took out my usb drive from his pocket. I felt like I could vomit. I've been found out and am in danger. I played with fire for too long. Everything told me to leave, but I couldn't move.

Suddenly I regained the ability to talk and said, "Lets play a game. I'll explain everything and live with you and do whatever you want. Just don't report me to the police. But I might kill you whenever I feel like because I don't trust you at all, so we're both in a predicament!" He stayed silent for a while thinking about my offer. "I accept your offer, but please restrain yourself from killing me. I'd like to live for a bit longer, hehe.." I was sweating from anxiety and the awkward silence. The situation may be resolved, but now I'm technically his slave and was at his mercy. For an hour, I told him in detail about my past life of what happened to my parents and all the rest. He actually understood and was barely phased with the information. I guess he didn't think I was a super psycho killer after all. "Thats, um, a tragic backstory. It seems you got really lucky in the end. But you know that the Yakuza group has it out for you since you lied, right? They know what you look like, and probably know you are in Ikebukuro now. I might be the only one that can protect you due to my resources and slight affiliation with them, so everything will be fine. Anyway, your stuff is in the hallway." He turned away and was about to walk out until I said something. "Why do you want me of all people? I mean, I'm a murderer and-" he interrupted without looking at me "It doesn't matter what flaws you think you have, I think they're strengths. I know we just met, but you're special unlike millions of boring girls. You're cute, highly intelligent, and an overall rebel of any standards. Go eat your pancakes, (real name)."

I obeyed and ate them, but silently. I was thinking about what what Izaya-kun said. No one has ever told me their feelings about me like that, and I didn't know what to feel. Coming from someone like him, it must have been a big deal. He just doesn't seem like someone that would tell his feelings so easily. Of course I was flustered and mentally sick like a teenage girl again. I may have liked him slightly, but I needed more time to make up my mind. Oh god, what if I made him feel bad for not responding? Suddenly he appeared beside me and poked my cheek. I flinched and wondered when he got there. "I put all your stuff in the guest room." I nodded and remembered something. "Wait, did you bring my tablet, headphones, and sleep eyemask? Those are important." "Yeah, on your bed. Why?" "Oh, well I can't sleep without them because insomnia issues.." Izaya laughs with a real smile. "What if someone attacks you when you're asleep? You won't hear or see anything!" "Well whoever attacks a defenseless woman in her sleep is big coward, ne Izaya-kun? But if that is how I die, then at least I'll be dreaming and dying happy. Otherwise I'd like to die heroically on the battlefield so I can go to Valhalla. How would you like to die?" He pondered for a moment and replied "I guess die while fighting so I can go to Valhalla too. I'm not necessarily going to let someone kill me easily, but definitely not dying by the hands of Shizu-chan.. Hopefully it will be a swift death by a bullet or knife wound. I dunno, or care, just as long as its at the right time. I need a few more years at least." As I put my dishes away, I asked "Huh. So what do you wanna do in your last few years? Or another way to put it, whats in your bucket list?" "The same stuff I usually do, observe and love all humans. Maybe find someone to die with, which I hope I'm close to that now.. Cause a little trouble like usual and kill Shizuo. Nothing too much I want to do." I stayed silent because I think he meant me in one of those sentences.

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