Chapter Three-Do Me A Favour

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Chapter Three

Do Me a Favor

"Do me a favor and ask if you need some me a favor and stop flattering yourself."-Arctic Monkeys

I was distinctly aware of a pair of strong arms dragging me through the water. Upwards; I could feel the tension building and then lungs were free; but everything hurt. My eyes sprang open and I started gasping and coughing on the water. My eyes were burning from the chlorine and I thought my heart-beat would ricochet out of my chest.

Who had saved me? Where did Justin go?

The cement was cold and hard beneath me; I could feel the shudders rip through my body...until finally I  coughed up all the water left in my lungs. Closing my eyes for a deadly minute I felt someone's cold hand touch my shoulder. I flinched immediately and looked upwards.

A pair of cold blue eyes met my gaze. Followed my thin strawberry-colored lips...the cheeks were hollow and pale...the coat hanging off her frail shoulder barely covered her body. I startled, feeling rage buildup through my skin.

"What are you doing here?" I seethed, pausing after each word. She folded her arms, a little smirk crossing her lips. The moonlight shone brightly on her silky-straight blonde hair.

"A little thank-you would be nice 'cuz." She drawled, black heels clicking dramatically as she walked around me. Examining me; I scoffed out loud.

"Thank-you...for what exactly? Ruining my life? Killing my parents? Killing my best-friend?" I spat. She met my gaze, eyes turned hard.

"I tried to warn you. You wouldn't listen."

"You tried to warn me? What about trying to stop it all? What happened to you Claire? How did you get mixed up with these people? How did you become...a vampire?" I spat the last word in disgust. Claire approached me, before getting down on one knee. She looked me directly in the face, and I was stunned by the coldness of her features.

"You think I wanted my mom to die? "

I felt like I had been slapped in the face, and shook my head slowly.

"N-no. Of course not."

She shook her head sadly.

"Justin offered to take the pain away. He said we didn't have to feel anything; but he was wrong. I feel everything. It's intensified to the point of one hundred degrees of emotions coursing through me...until it becomes so much that it all blends into a feeling of hyper-intensified numbness. Combined with the bloodlust...this is what I experience every-day, Peyton."

I gave that a moment to sink in. She was telling the truth, and even though I knew I shouldn't...I felt bad for her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know" I responded, eyes wide with meaning. We stared at each other for a good, hard minute. Then she stood, pulling me roughly to my feet as well. I pulled my wrist from hers in fear.

"If you've got an ounce of good sense in you, you'll get out of here. I'm assuming that by now you know Justin can't kill you. He won't hesitate to hurt the ones you love however-"

"What are you saying-are you saying Emily-Rose-" I gasped in sudden shock. Claire glared at me hard.

"She was just a warning. Justin wants you to sign that contract Peyton-if killing the ones you love will get you to do so...I don't think he'll stop at just your parents." She said steely.

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